Book #Book URLImage RouteImage URLImage PreviewPreferred AltProject Gutenberg AltOpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"PrivateGPT “mistral-7b-instruct-v0.1.Q4_K_M.gguf”
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"[Illustration]A colorful book cover featuring a drawing of a hut with people in a tropical or mountainous setting.Cover of "The Moon and Sixpence" by Modern Library featuring a colorful illustration of a hut and several people in a tropical or mountainous setting.Colorful book cover of 'The Moon and Sixpence' featuring lively scene with people around a small hut or house, set against a mountainous backdrop.A colorful book cover featuring a drawing of a hut or small house with a mountain in the background, depicting a story or adventure set in a tropical or mountainous location.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"The Young Fellow called JohnA man sitting on a stool, smoking a cigar.A man sits on a stool smoking a cigar.Man sitting on a stool while smoking a cigarA man sitting on a stool, smoking a cigar.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"coverA black and white photograph of a book cover featuring the title "Part of the Death of the Duke of York" from "The Third Part of King Henry VI."'Black and white photograph of the book cover for "The Third Part of King Henry the Sixth, with the death of the Duke of York."Black and white cover of the book 'The Third Part of Henry the Sixt with the death of the Duke of YORKE.'Black and white photograph of a book cover featuring a title 'Part of the Death of the Duke of York' and decorative border.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"Public domain book coverBook cover of 'Pieces' by Oscar Wilde, with a brown and blue color scheme.Book cover of 'Shorter Prose Pieces' by Oscar Wilde, featuring a brown and blue color scheme.Book cover of 'Shorter Prose Pieces' by Oscar Wilde with a brown and blue color scheme.Brown and blue book cover with title 'Pieces' by Oscar Wilde
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Book coverA close-up of a blue cloth-bound book with a gold design titled 'Novels and Stories of Henry James'.Cover of "Novels and Stories of Henry James," featuring blue cloth binding with gold design.Close-up of the book cover of 'Novels and Stories of Henry James' with blue cloth binding and gold design.Close-up of the cover of the book 'Novels and Stories of Henry James,' featuring a blue cloth binding and gold design.
Project Gutenberg AltWall in Huatica Valley.A black and white drawing of a rock wall in a valley with a sky background.Black and white drawing of a rock wall in a valley, symbolizing the rich history of cemeteries along the coast valleys, as discussed in the surrounding text.Black and white sketch of a rock wall in a dry coastal valley, evidencing the context in which the coastal cemeteries and historical finds mentioned were located.Black and white drawing of a rock wall in a valley with a sky background.
PrivateGPT “mistral-7b-instruct-v0.1.Q4_K_M.gguf”coverA serious man in a suit and tie holding a book, framed in a circle - Immanuel Kant's "The Critique of Pure Reason".Portrait of Immanuel Kant holding "The Critique of Pure Reason," framed in a circle.Portrait of Immanuel Kant, in a suit and tie, holding a book titled 'The Critique of Pure Reason'Portrait of Immanuel Kant, holding a book in a suit and tie, framed in a circle.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"p615.jpg (20K)A man in a suit and bow tie, possibly a portrait or drawing - caption: 'MOSES S. BEACH'Portrait of Moses S. Beach in a suit and bow tie.Portrait or drawing of Moses S. Beach in a suit and bow tie.A portrait of a man in a suit and bow tie
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"p132-clay.jpg (78K)Henry Clay, a prominent American politician and statesman.Henry Clay depicted with the title "4 HENRY CLAY" near discussions on political resolutions and the eve of CHAPTER VIII: THE REJECTED OLIVE BRANCH.Henry Clay, a prominent American politician and statesman.Henry Clay, prominent American politician and statesman, is shown in the image.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"[Illustration: FIG 11]A woman standing at a table preparing food by pouring something into a jar among various jars and containers.A woman prepares jars for canning, pouring ingredients into a jar on a table filled with various jars and containers.A woman preparing food for jar preservation, pouring ingredients into one of the various jars on the table.A black and white photograph of a woman preparing food by pouring something into a jar on a table. Jars and containers are visible on the table.
None033.jpg (154K)A man in a top hat grabbing a policeman in a black and white drawing surrounded by other people.A black and white drawing depicting a confrontation between a man in a top hat grabbing a policeman in the presence of onlookers.A scene depicting a confrontation between a man in a top hat and a young policeman, as they are observed by surrounding crowd.A black and white drawing of a man in a top hat grabbing a policeman, surrounded by other people.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"Their dog trains were in almost constant demand.'A group of dogs pulling a sled through the snow with people riding on the sled.A group of dogs pulling a sled through the snow with riders on board, reflecting a joyful romp with Jack and Cuffy, their protectors and companions.Group of dogs, including Jack and Cuffy, pulling a sled with children riding on it through the snow.A group of dogs pulling a sled through the snow with people riding on it.
NoneThe Washwoman Sings It All Wrong.'A woman artist painting on a canvas.A woman, possibly an artist, engaged in drawing or painting on a canvas.A woman, likely an artist, engaged in creating a piece of artwork on a canvas.A woman artist drawing on a canvas.
NoneWell, what do you want? What are you doing here?A man in a suit sitting in a chair, gazing downward while a woman in a suit stands next to him in a living room setting with a couch and table nearby.A man in a suit sits in a chair looking downward, with a woman in a suit standing next to him in a living room setting, reflecting a tense or serious conversation.A man in a suit seated in a chair looking down, with a standing woman dressed in a suit next to him in a living room setting.Man in suit and tie sitting in chair with woman in suit standing nearby in living room with couch and table.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"PLATE III. The western cyclopean wall of Prneste, and the depression which divides Monte Glicestro.A black and white photograph of a mountainous area with a field of trees and bushes.Black and white photograph depicting the mountainous terrain and forested area near the western cyclopean wall of Præneste, showing the landscape's natural divide.Black and white photograph showcasing a mountainous landscape with trees, relating to the cyclopean wall of Præneste as described in the text.A black and white photograph of a mountainous area with a field of trees and bushes.
Project Gutenberg AltEditor's markBlack and white drawing of a clock on top of a buildingBlack and white illustration of a clock atop a building with text fragments suggesting changing shadows and time passage.Black and white drawing of a clock atop a building, with fragmented text reading 'ee = § dows weave and ke shadows depart'.Black and white drawing of a clock on top of a building in London in 1904.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"WORK FOR THE RECESS.Illustration of a woman standing on a stool surrounded by a diverse group of people engaged in various activities.Black and white illustration of Miss Parliamentina organizing her house with the committee's help, depicting a lively scene with characters in various attire like top hats, long dresses, and suits engaged in activities.Black and white illustration of Miss Parliamentina and the Committee on Ventilation organizing her house during a lively recess, with various figures including a man in a top hat, a woman in a long dress, and a man in a suit.Black and white illustration of a woman standing on a stool surrounded by various people engaged in different activities in a dynamic atmosphere.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"CASTING OF CAR WHEELS.A black and white diagram illustrating a machine, potentially used for measuring or processing food, displaying its various components and assembly structure.Black and white diagram illustrating the Baltimore Car Wheel Company's method for casting chilled wheels to prevent tread defects, showing components and their assembly for improved metal flow and impurity removal.Diagram illustrating the casting process of car wheels by the Baltimore Car Wheel Company showing core compositions, conduits, receiving chambers, and the flow of the skimmed metal.Diagram of a machine for measuring or processing food
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"HOT SAW.A man in a hat observing a large machine labeled "HOT SAW."Man standing next to a large Hot Saw machine, wearing a hat and observing it.Man in a hat standing next to a large machine, seemingly observing it in relation to a Hot Saw.A man standing next to a large machine, likely a piece of machinery or contraption, while wearing a hat and observing the machine.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"FrontispieceA black and white drawing of a tranquil forest scene with a stream flowing through trees.Black and white drawing of a serene forest scene with a stream and surrounding trees, capturing the tranquility of nature.Black and white drawing of a tranquil forest scene with a stream surrounded by trees, dated 1886.Black and white drawing of a forest scene with a stream of water surrounded by trees.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"Mission House At Oroville.Group of men and women posing for a photograph outside a building, possibly a church or small house.A group of men and women standing outside a church, likely members of the Association of Christian Chinese mentioned by Chin Toy, celebrating new conversions and baptisms.Group of Christian Chinese Association members posing for a photo outside a building, possibly a church or mission house.Group of people standing outside of a church or small house for a photograph.
Project Gutenberg AltThree characters pour into a bowl marked PUNCH.A woman stirring a pot next to a man and a donkey in a black and white drawing.Black and white illustration of a woman stirring a pot next to a man, with a donkey positioned above them, suggesting a blend of domestic and humorous elements in a theatrical setting.Black and white drawing depicting a scene with a woman cooking by a pot, a man standing close by and a donkey positioned above them, indicating a combined scenario of cooking and a donkey-related event.A black and white drawing of a scene featuring a woman stirring something in a pot while a man stands nearby and a donkey is positioned above them. The woman and man appear to be involved in a cooking scenario while the donkey is likely related to the event.
Project Gutenberg AltA geometric diagram.A black and white geometric shape with symbols and letters arranged in a circular pattern around it.Illustration depicting a geometric shape, possibly a triangle or square, surrounded by symbols and letters in a circular arrangement, representing the concept of Conservative Reform and its elements as described in the text.Black and white geometric sketch showcasing a triangle or square filled with an intricate arrangement of symbols and letters organized in a circular pattern, potentially representing the Conservative Reform on an indefinite line.Black and white drawing of a geometric shape, possibly a triangle or square, with symbols and letters arranged in a circular pattern around the central shape. This image is part of a discussion on the Conservative Reform party and its members, including Graham, Brougham, and Melbourne, who were extremes of the Whig Administration of 1834.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"Then Miss Mink received a shockA man and a woman in a black and white photo standing in a room, possibly a living or dining room; she wears a dress, he wears a suit.A man in a suit and a woman in a dress standing in a room, reflecting a moment before Miss Mink received a shock.Black and white photo of a man in a suit and a woman in a dress standing in a living room or dining room.Black and white photo of a man in a suit standing with a woman in a dress in a living or dining room.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"The Lungs.A detailed black and white drawing of a human lung.Black and white drawing detailing the intricate structure of human lungsBlack and white drawing showcasing the intricate structure of a human lung.Black and white drawing of a human lung, highlighting its intricate structure.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"Her Majesty's Scottish Highlanders.Two Scottish Highlanders, one on horseback and the other standing, in a black and white drawing.Black and white illustration of two Scottish Highlanders, with one mounted on horseback and the other standing beside, suggesting their readiness and intimidating presence in battle.Black and white drawing of two Scottish Highlanders, one riding a horse and the other standing beside him on a battlefield.Two Scottish Highlanders, one on horseback and the other standing next to him, in a black and white drawing.
Project Gutenberg AltA Pocket KodakVintage suitcase with Bulls-Eye design, resembling an old-fashioned luggage piece.Vintage suitcase possibly related to Bulls-Eye camera specificationsVintage suitcase, hinting at old-fashioned travelOld-fashioned vintage suitcase
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"YOU'RE AFTER SOMETHING THERE ISN'T ANYTHING TOA man in a suit and a woman in a long dress standing together.A man in a suit and a woman in a long dress standing next to each other, possibly posing for a photoMan in suit and woman in long dress posing togetherMan and woman standing in front of each other in formal attire.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"FrontispieceTwo women in a black and white drawing, one sitting on a chair and the other standing in a room engaged in conversation.Black and white drawing of two women in a room, one seated and the other standing, appearing to be in conversation or observing something together.Black and white drawing of two women, one sitting on a chair and the other standing, appearing to be engaged in conversation or looking at something together in a room.Two women in conversation in a room with one sitting on a chair and the other standing.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"Here amidst the golden romance of the old mission, the girl suddenly understood Don Mike.A woman wearing a green outfit rides a horse while a man stands nearby in a desert-like setting.A woman in a green outfit rides a horse beside a standing man, set against a desert backdrop, capturing a moment of understanding between her and Don Mike.A vibrant painting showcasing a woman in a green outfit riding a horse, with a man standing nearby in a desert-like setting.A woman in a green outfit rides a horse in the center of the painting while a man stands to her right in a desert-like environment.
Project Gutenberg AltDecorationA black and white decorative drawing of a flower.Decorative black and white drawing of a flower.Black and white decorative flower design.Black and white drawing of a decorative flower design.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"Page143A page from an old book displaying a list of food items and prices in different currencies, possibly related to trade or commerce in the late 18th century.Page from an old book detailing a list of food items like wheat, flour, rice, beef, and salmon with their prices in various currencies and trade regulations between the United States, France, England, and their colonies, dated January 4, 1792.Page from an old document detailing commerce between the United States, France and England, listing various food items like wheat, rice, salted fish, beef and pork along with their prices in different currencies such as pounds and dollars.List of food items and their prices from an old book featuring items such as rice, beef, and salmon, displayed in different currencies. The page appears to be part of a larger document related to trade or commerce.
Project Gutenberg AltNapoleanA man in a suit and tie with a heart design on his pants.Man in a suit with a heart shape on the bottom of his pants.Man in suit and tie, showcasing heart shape on his pants.A man in a suit and tie with a heart shape on the bottom of his pants.
PrivateGPT “mistral-7b-instruct-v0.1.Q4_K_M.gguf”Kitty Canary.A woman in a suit standing by a fence in a garden, holding a hat.Painting of Kitty Canary standing in a garden, holding a hat, in front of a fence surrounded by flowers.Kitty Canary standing in a garden, posed by a fence and holding a hat, wearing a suit and looking at the viewer.A woman in a suit stands in front of a fence in a garden with a tree nearby and flowers surrounding the area, holding a hat in her hand and looking at the camera.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Fig. 5.Ancient Greek group walking together carrying various items in a line, depicted in black and white drawing - including a large cloth, a baby, and a sheep.Line drawing of ancient Greeks in procession, carrying items including a large cloth, a baby, and a sheep.Ancient Greeks in a procession, carrying items including a large cloth, a baby, and a sheep in a line-drawn style.A group of ancient Greeks walking in line with a large cloth, baby, and sheep in a black and white drawing.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"FRONT COVERChildren captivated by sky, possibly watching a kite or meteor shower.Group of children standing in a line, looking up at the sky in excitement, from "The Rocket Book" by Peter Newell.Group of children standing in a line, captivated by something in the sky, possibly a kite or meteor shower, in an illustration by Peter Newell from 'The Rocket Book'.A group of children standing in line, looking up at the sky, possibly watching a kite or meteor shower.
NoneCoverA family gathered in a cozy living room, with a man reading a book while children and other family members stand around him, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere for spending time together.Family gathered in a living room with a man looking at a book, children around him, and cozy furniture.Family gathered in a cozy living room, with a man kneeling and looking at a book, surrounded by standing family members and children.A family of four gathered in a cozy living room with a man kneeling down to read a book while the others stand around him. The room is furnished with a chair and couch.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"found herself looking into eyes that smiled as with an old friendliness.A group of people in formal attire socializing at a vintage-themed event.A group of people in formal attire socializing at an antique-looking black and white event.Group of individuals engaging in conversation at a formal event, all dressed elegantly, photographed in a vintage black and white style.A group of people dressed in formal attire socializing at a formal event in black and white.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"The local authorityA man in a suit reading a book while sitting in a chair.Black and white cartoon of a man in a suit sitting, reading a book in a chair.Black and white cartoon of a man in a suit and tie sitting in a chair, engrossed in reading a book.A black and white cartoon drawing of a man sitting in a chair, reading a book while wearing a suit and tie.
Project Gutenberg AltEmblemA black and white drawing of a intricate coat of arms featuring a shield, crest, motto, helmet, and pair of balls, symbolizing the history and heritage of a family or organization.Black and white drawing of a detailed coat of arms for a company, featuring a shield with crest and motto, helmet, and two balls, symbolizing heritage.Black and white drawing of the intricate and detailed coat of arms for the 'Company', featuring a shield, crest, helmet, motto, and pair of balls, representing its rich history and heritage.Black and white drawing of a coat of arms featuring a shield with a crest and motto, helmet, and balls. Representing the history and heritage of the family or organization.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Alexander IrvineA man deep in thought, wearing a bow tie, looking upward.Alexander Irvine, depicted in a thoughtful pose with a bow tie, looking upward, based on a sketch by Juliet Thompson.Sketch by Juliet Thompson depicting Alexander Irvine in a bow tie, appearing deep in thought as he looks upward.Man in bow tie, deep in thought
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"THE TWO WAYS."As the Twig is Bent, the Tree's Incline."A man kneeling before Jesus with a woman standing behind, pointing upwards.A man kneels before Jesus, pointing upward, with a woman standing behind him, possibly towards a light or an angel.Man kneeling and pointing upwards before Jesus, with a woman standing behind him.A man kneels before Jesus with a woman standing behind him, pointing upward towards a light or an angel.
Project Gutenberg AltDecorativeA black and white decorative design featuring a circular leaf pattern with three leaves - one in the center and two on the sides.Decorative leaf pattern design in black and white from "The Spinster Book" by Myrtle Reed, 1907.Decorative leaf pattern design in black and white featuring three leaves arranged in a circular formation, located at the beginning of 'The Spinster Book' by Myrtle Reed.Decorative design featuring a leaf pattern in black and white, with three leaves arranged in a circular pattern.
NoneChrist on the CrossStatue of Jesus Christ with a beard and crown of thorns.Statue of Jesus Christ with a beard and a crown of thorns on his head.Statue of Jesus Christ with a crown of thorns on His head and a beardStatue of Jesus Christ with beard and crown of thorns
NoneFigure 11A close-up of a decorative wooden box with Celtic and Gothic carvings and designs.Decorative wooden box with intricate Celtic and Gothic carvings, identified as the Shrine of the Bell of St. Patrick.Close-up of a wooden, intricately carved Celtic and Gothic decorative box associated with the Shrine of the Bell of St. Patrick.Decorative wooden box with Celtic and Gothic carvings, found in the Shrine of the Bell of St. Patrick.
None[Illustration: FIGURE 1]A black and white photo of a donut with a hole in the center.Black and white photo of a donut with a hole in the centerBlack and white photo of a central holed donut.Black and white photo of a donut with a hole in the center.
PrivateGPT “mistral-7b-instruct-v0.1.Q4_K_M.gguf”Fritz Schaudinn [1871-1906]Portrait of Fritz Schaudinn [1871-1906], a man with a beard, wearing a suit and tie.Fritz Schaudinn, a bearded man wearing a suit and tie, from the 1906 Galerie hervorragender Aerzte und Naturforscher supplement.Fritz Schaudinn, a bearded man dressed in a suit and tie.Portrait of Fritz Schaudinn, a German physician and naturalist, wearing a suit and tie.
PrivateGPT “mistral-7b-instruct-v0.1.Q4_K_M.gguf”Camera Portrait by E. O. Hopp.A young woman in black and white, seated in a chair - photographed by E. O. Hoppé.Black and white photograph of a woman sitting in a chair by E. O. Hoppé.Black and white photograph by E. O. Hoppé of a woman sitting in a chair.Black and white photograph of a woman sitting in a chair.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"(signed) Let freedom win D Lloyd GeorgeA man in a suit and hat holding a cane, standing in front of a building.A black and white photograph of a man in a suit and hat holding a cane in front of a building, possibly related to the theme "THE WAR AFTER THE WAR."Black and white photograph of a man dressed in a suit and hat holding a cane, standing in front of a building.A black and white photograph of a man in a suit and hat standing in front of a building while holding a cane.
Project Gutenberg AltFruits found principally in the south and the middle west.A black and white image showing various plants, including a tree, leaf, and fruit, each labeled with their specific types.Black and white illustration of various plants found in the south and the middle west, featuring a tree, a leaf, and a fruit, each labeled with their specific types.Black and white illustrated guide of various plant species including a tree, a leaf, and a fruit, each labeled with their specific types, primarily found in the south and middle west.Black and white image of various plants including a tree, leaf, and fruit with labels indicating their specific types.
Project Gutenberg AltRobert BurnsA bearded man in a suit and tie, gazing into the distance.Robert Burns depicted as a bearded man in a suit and tie, gazing into the distance.Robert Burns, bearded and dressed in a suit and tie, gazing into the distance.A portrait of a man in a suit and tie looking off into the distance.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"300A black and white drawing of a napkin folded into the shape of a bird.A napkin folded into the shape of a bird.Black and white sketch of a bird-shaped napkin fold.Black and white drawing of a napkin folded into the shape of a bird.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"illustration of quoted sceneA black and white drawing of a struggle between individuals, one being held down while another wields a bottle.A black and white drawing depicting a tense scene among sailors, with one man forcefully holding another by the collar as a third man observes with a bottle in hand.Black and white illustration of Christy seizing another man by the collar in a room full of sailors, suggesting a struggle or a fight, with a third man holding a bottle nearby.Black and white drawing of three men in a room, one man being held down by another while a third man holds a bottle. The scene appears to be a fight or struggle between the individuals.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"THE FIGHT BETWEEN THE KOOKOOBURRA AND THE SNAKEA black and white drawing of a bird, possibly a parrot, holding a snake in its mouth while standing on the ground, with the snake wrapped around its neck.A black and white drawing depicts a kookaburra holding a snake in its beak, with the snake wrapped around the bird's neck.Black and white drawing of a Kookaburra standing on the ground, fiercely holding a snake in its mouth and entangled around its neck.A black and white drawing of a bird, possibly a parrot, holding a snake in its mouth while standing on the ground.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"MEN BATHING AT HELLESGroup of people swimming and playing together in the ocean at Helles.A large group of people swimming and playing in the ocean at Helles.Large group of men enjoying a swim and play in the ocean at Helles.A group of men swimming and playing in the ocean.
Project Gutenberg AltAn engraving of an oldfellow sitting sideways to a writing desk, surrounded by books and papersA man sitting in a chair in a black and white drawing.Black and white drawing of a man seated in a chair, associated with New-York Monthly Magazine.Black and white drawing of a man sitting in a chairA black and white drawing of a man sitting in a chair.
Project Gutenberg AltTHREE OLD PAVEMENT TILES.A black and white drawing of a cube with images of a dragon, mermaid, dog, and rabbit on each side.A black and white drawing of a cube with each side depicting a dragon, a mermaid, a dog, and a rabbit, labeled 'TILES'.Black and white sketch of a cube titled 'TILES' with images of a dragon, mermaid, dog, and rabbit on each side.Black and white drawing of a cube with four different pictures on each side: a dragon, mermaid, dog, and rabbit.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"She turned with a start, though her loss of self-possession lasted but a moment.A man and a woman in old-fashioned attire, standing in a doorway with the man holding a top hat.A man holding a top hat and a woman in a long dress stand in a doorway, dressed in old-fashioned clothing, embodying a moment of poised interruption.Man holding a top hat and woman in a long dress, both in old-fashioned attire, standing in a doorway as she turns with a momentary loss of self-possession.Man in top hat standing with woman in long dress in doorway
PrivateGPT “mistral-7b-instruct-v0.1.Q4_K_M.gguf”MAP SHOWING REGIONAL AREASBlack and white map of the United States showing regional areas and corresponding numbers.Black and white map from 1918 indicating regional areas of the United States by numbers for the Highways Transport Committee, Council of National Defense.Black and white map of the United States dated Sept 1, 1918, demonstrating regional areas and their numbered designations as used by the Highways Transport Committee in the Council of National Defense.Black and white map of the United States showing regional areas and their corresponding numbers.
PrivateGPT “mistral-7b-instruct-v0.1.Q4_K_M.gguf”I say, Pollie, how many have yer sold? Page 8.Two young girls, one holding a basket of flowers and the other holding a scarf, standing next to each other on a street.Two young girls on a street, one holding a flower basket and the other a scarf, illustrating a scene from the story.Two young girls standing side by side, one holding a basket of flowers and the other grasping a scarf, presumably conversing about flower sales on a street.Two young girls standing on a street with one holding a basket of flowers and the other holding a scarf.
PrivateGPT “mistral-7b-instruct-v0.1.Q4_K_M.gguf”IllustrationThree men in suits and ties interacting with a dog in a room setting.Three men in suits and ties standing around a dog sitting on a chair in a room.Three men in suits interacting with a dog seated on a chair in an indoor setting.Three men in suits and ties interacting with a dog sitting on a chair in a room.
Project Gutenberg AltPronouncedA book page with the word 'pronounced' cut out, surrounded by nearby text snippets 's.' and 'Vrang.Vricht (gut.).Vretch. Vrite.Vreat.'Word 'pronounced' visible where text has been cut out from a book page.Cut-out word 'pronounced' from a book pageA cut-out word 'pronounced' from a book.
Project Gutenberg AltThe Old Parish Church, Horncastle. (Reproduced from Weirs Horncastle.)A black and white drawing of a church with a fence in front of it, two people standing next to the fence, and a horse present in the scene.Black and white illustration depicting a church behind a fence with two people and a horse standing next to it.Black and white drawing of a church with a fence, featuring two people standing next to it and a horse present in the scene.Black and white drawing of a church with a fence in front of it, two people standing next to the fence, and a horse present in the scene.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Book coverA vintage book cover featuring a man and a woman in old-fashioned attire, the man wearing a tie, in black and white.Book cover of "Dickory Dock" featuring a vintage black and white illustration with a man in a tie and a woman in old-fashioned clothing standing next to each other, transcribed from the 1890 W. & R. Chambers edition.Vintage book cover featuring a man and a woman in old-fashioned attire, emphasizing a classic feel due to its black and white color scheme.Book cover featuring a man and a woman standing next to each other, both dressed in old-fashioned clothing, with the man wearing a tie. The book cover is in black and white, giving it a classic and vintage feel.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"We Thrust Her Forth from the Building 120A group of people standing in a doorway in a black and white drawing.Black and white drawing of a group of people in a doorway, expelling a nurse-girl believed to carry the plague, reflecting a desperate decision amidst an epidemic.A black and white illustration depicting the expulsion of a nurse-girl from a building by a group of people, representing a pivotal moment in the story where she's driven away due to plague fears.Black and white drawing of a group of people standing in a doorway.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"JAMES KNOWLESA man in a suit and tie, with a bow tie and jacket, looking serious, dated February 17, 1887, next to the text "JAMES KNOWLES".James Knowles in a suit and bow tie, looking seriously at the camera, dated February 17, 1887.James Knowles, photographed on February 17, 1887, wearing a suit, bow tie and jacket, looking serious into the camera.A man in a suit and tie with a bow tie and jacket, looking serious in the image.
PrivateGPT “mistral-7b-instruct-v0.1.Q4_K_M.gguf”text reconstructionTitle page of 'Pates by Bytes' book, written in vintage cursive or black lettering.Title page of "Pates by Bytes" with antique-style cursive or black lettering, overlaying the phrase "Encourage the hertes bpin warde hardpnes."Title page of the vintage-styled book 'Pates by Bytes' in cursive lettering including the unclear text 'Encourage the hertes bpin warde hardpnes'Pates by Bytes: A vintage-looking book title page with cursive lettering.
Project Gutenberg AltPhoto of Duncan Campbell ScottAn older man in a suit and tie, wearing a jacket and vest, looking at the camera with a serious expression.Older man in suit and tie with serious expression, presumably related to "Lundy's Lane and Other Poems."Portrait of an older man in a suit and tie, vest and jacket, displaying a serious expressionAn older man in a suit and tie, looking serious.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Fiddlers Reach.A black and white drawing of a steamboat in motion on a lake, surrounded by trees with smoke billowing from it.A black and white drawing of a steamboat in motion on a large body of water at Fiddlers Reach, surrounded by trees with smoke rising from its chimney.Black and white drawing of a steamboat in motion on a large lake, surrounded by trees at Fiddlers Reach.Black and white drawing of a steamboat on a large body of water, possibly a lake, surrounded by trees with smoke coming from it, indicating motion. Steamboat on Fiddlers Reach.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"coverA group of men in a comic strip style illustration, one man pointing a gun at another man in front of a brick wall, with some men wearing hats.Illustration of a group of men, possibly soldiers, with one pointing a gun at another, in a comic strip style scene from "The Boy Nihilist or Young America in Russia," reminiscent of Pulp Fiction aesthetics, set in front of a brick wall.Comic strip scene depicting a group of men, presumably soldiers, one of whom is aiming a gun at another. They are positioned against a brick wall with several onlookers, some in hats.A group of men in military attire, one holding a gun and pointing it at another, standing in front of a brick wall with other men in the scene, some wearing hats. This image appears to be a comic strip story in the style of Pulp Fiction.
PrivateGPT “mistral-7b-instruct-v0.1.Q4_K_M.gguf”THE WOUNDED ANIMAL SUDDENLY SPRANG OUT AT MEA man with a gun hunting a leopard in a jungle.A man with a rifle confronts a leaping leopard in a jungle setting, illustrating a dramatic hunting scene.Man hunting a fierce leopard with a rifle in a jungle scene, a representation of the incident narrated on page 59 where the wounded animal suddenly sprang at him.Man hunting leopard in jungle with rifle
PrivateGPT “mistral-7b-instruct-v0.1.Q4_K_M.gguf”Initial OA decorative black and white drawing of the letter O surrounded by intricate designs, including a fountain and a bird.Decorative black and white drawing of the letter O, adorned with intricate designs featuring a fountain and a bird.Decorative black and white drawing of the alphabet letter O, adorned with intricate designs including a fountain and a bird.Black and white drawing of a decorative O letter surrounded by intricate designs including a fountain and a bird.
Project Gutenberg AltTHE MAN FROM SATURN JUMPED.A man snowboarding down a snowy hill.A man rides a snowboard down a snowy slope, evoking the adventurous leap of the Man from Saturn.Black and white sketch of a man from Saturn snowboarding down a hill.A black and white drawing of a man riding a snowboard down a snowy hill.
Project Gutenberg AltWAX FLOWER MODELLING.A close-up black and white photograph of a person's hand.Close-up of a black and white photograph showing a hand, possibly related to "Wor Flower Hodelling" by Mrs. Peachey.Close-up black and white photograph of a person's hand with unclear text reading "Wor Flower Hodelling".Black and white photograph of a person's hand holding a flower.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"Spe Labor LevisA black and white drawing of a shield with a bird atop, a fish below, two birds on either side, all within a circle, resembling a coat of arms or crest.Black and white drawing of a crest with a bird atop a shield, a fish below, surrounded by a circle and flanked by two additional birds, illustrated by John Goss.Black and white illustration of a shield crest, showcasing a bird perched on top and a fish beneath, flanked by two birds within an enclosing circle.Black and white drawing of a shield with a bird on top and a fish below, surrounded by a circle and two birds on either side. Illustrated by John Goss.
PrivateGPT “mistral-7b-instruct-v0.1.Q4_K_M.gguf”thumbnail of page 20Three children - two boys and a girl - standing together in a field.Three children, two boys and a girl, standing together in a field.Three children, two boys and a girl, standing together in a field.Three children, two boys and a girl, standing together in a field.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"Ornate title pageA black and white book cover titled "Field and Forest" featuring a man and a woman.Cover of "Field and Forest" from the UPWARD AND ONWARD SERIES, featuring an illustrated black and white drawing of a man and a woman.Field and Forest' black and white old illustrated book cover featuring a man and a woman, part of the Upward and Onward series.Book cover featuring a man and woman with the title 'Field and Forest' written above them, an old illustrated book in black and white, on page 12 of an upward and onward series.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"see captionBlack and white map of mountainous region with mountain range, blue line, and red trail/path.Black and white map depicting a mountain range with a blue river and a red trail. For continuation westwards, see map on page 66.Black and white map of a mountain range marked by a blue line, with a trail indicated by a red line, continuation of which is shown on page 66.Black and white map of a mountainous region with a blue line running through it and a red line indicating a trail or path.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"CoverClose-up of pink and gold book cover titled 'Soul Sawing' from 'The Honourable Mr. Tawnish' Ebook.Cover of "Soul Sawing" with a pink background and a gold design.Close-up of 'Soul Sawing' book cover featuring a pink background and a gold design.Close-up of the cover of the book 'Soul Sawing,' featuring a pink background and gold design.
PrivateGPT “mistral-7b-instruct-v0.1.Q4_K_M.gguf”PORCH BOXA black and white photograph of a porch with a staircase, adorned with various potted plants and flowers.Black and white photograph of a porch with a staircase surrounded by a variety of potted plants and flowers.Black and white photograph of a porch box on a staircase surrounded by various potted plants and flowers.Black and white photograph of a porch with a staircase, featuring potted plants and flowers.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"HebronA black and white drawing of a city with a large castle on a hillside, surrounded by mountains and a waterway running through it, including a town with buildings and a bridge.Black and white drawing of Hebron featuring a large castle on a hillside, surrounded by mountains, with a waterway and a bridge connecting town buildings.Black and white drawing of Hebron, a city nestled in the mountains featuring a large hillside castle or fortress, town buildings, a bridge, and a waterway running through it.Black and white drawing of Hebron, featuring a large castle or fortress on a hillside, surrounded by mountains with a waterway running through it, and a town with buildings and a bridge.
PrivateGPT “mistral-7b-instruct-v0.1.Q4_K_M.gguf”Front cover with a photo of LolaA dog sitting on a table or pedestal.A dog sitting on a table or pedestal in the ebook "Lola; or, The Thought and Speech of Animals".Dog sitting on a table or pedestal, likely representing Lola from the text'A dog sitting on a table or pedestal.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"SealA black and white drawing of a man sitting on a bench under a tree, holding a book, with a sun in the background.Illustration of a man reading a book on a bench under a tree, with a sun in the background.Henry W. Boynton depicted as a man sitting on a bench under a tree, engrossed in reading a book with the sun in the background.Black and white drawing of a man sitting on a bench with a tree in the background, holding a book while the sun shines in the background.
PrivateGPT “mistral-7b-instruct-v0.1.Q4_K_M.gguf”Tommy wus one o' the boys, an' a pal o' ours.A man in a suit and hat and a woman in a dress standing in a room.A man in a suit and hat standing next to a woman in a dress, both in a room, with the woman looking at the man.Man in a suit and hat standing with a woman in a dress, both of them in a room, the woman is observing the man.Man in suit and hat standing with woman in dress in room
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"Front CoverA woman in a hat and coat holding a golf club from "Handbook of Wool Knitting and Crochet" published in 1918 by Needlecraft Publishing Company.A woman in a hat and coat holds a golf club, illustrating a concept from the "Handbook of Wool Knitting and Crochet" (1918) by Needlecraft Publishing Company.Woman in hat and coat holding a golf club in an illustration from 'Handbook of Wool Knitting and Crochet', 1918 edition.A woman wearing a hat and coat holding a golf club in front of the Handbook of Wool Knitting and Crochet book cover with the title "Handbook of Wool Knitting and Crochet" published by Needlecraft Publishing Company in Augusta, Maine in 1918.
PrivateGPT “mistral-7b-instruct-v0.1.Q4_K_M.gguf”Fig. 2A black and white drawing of a curved railroad track with a bridge.Black and white illustration of a curved railroad track with a bridge over it, related to the arrangement of the bend in combined shafts.Curved railroad track with a bridge over it in a black and white drawing.Black and white drawing of a curved railroad track with a bridge over it.
Project Gutenberg AltThe battlements of PekinA black and white drawing of a large building resembling a castle, with a horse-drawn carriage in front. Two individuals, one near the horse and the other by the carriage, are depicted in the scene.Black and white drawing of a castle with a horse and carriage in front, featuring two figures, one near the horse and the other by the carriage.Black and white drawing of a castle-like building with a horse-drawn carriage in front and two people nearby, one with the horse, the other by the carriage.Black and white drawing of a large building, possibly a castle, with a horse and carriage in front of it. The horse is pulling the carriage, and there are two people in the scene, one near the horse and the other near the carriage.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"[Illustration: sense02]A black and white drawing of a man's face featuring three different profiles.Black and white drawing showing three profiles of a man's face, illustrating the impact of expression on aesthetic values, with two faces appearing grotesque and one beautiful.Black and white drawing presenting three profiles of a man's face, each conveying different aesthetic values and expressions.Black and white drawing of three different profiles of a man's face, with one being beautiful and two being grotesque, due to the expression of the lines; the intended representation of fair or ugly faces according to their expression and the vital and moral associations of the different types.
Project Gutenberg AltDancing little menA cartoon character, potentially a monkey or a person, dancing with crossed legs.A cartoon character dancing with legs crossed, likely related to the story "Chip's Dogs."A dancing cartoon character, potentially a monkey or a man, in a playful pose.Cartoon character dancing with legs crossed.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"THE "ESSEX" BEING CUT TO PIECESA group of sailing ships on the ocean, with one large ship in the center and other smaller ships surrounding it.Painting of the "Essex" surrounded and overpowered by the "Phoebe" and the "Cherub" during the War of 1812, depicting naval warfare on the ocean.A group of sailing ships on the ocean with the 'Essex' at the center being destroyed by the 'Phoebe' and the 'Cherub' during the War of 1812, as depicted in Carlton T. Chapman's painting.A group of sailing ships on the ocean, with one large ship in the center and other smaller ships surrounding it.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"see text linkAn old page from a book listing names, titles, and historical references by various authors.Title page of "The Battaile of Agincovrt" by Michael Drayton, 1627, listing works including Queen Margarete's miseries and the court of Fayrie, printed in London for William Lee.Page from a 17th-century printed book featuring a list of works by Michael Drayton, including 'The Battaile of Agincourt,' 'The Miseries of Queen Margarre,' and others, published in London in 1627.An old book page featuring a list of names and titles in an old-fashioned script, possibly from a historical or literary context.
PrivateGPT “mistral-7b-instruct-v0.1.Q4_K_M.gguf”GRECIAN EMPIRE.A black and white map of the Mediterranean region showcasing various countries and cities.Black and white map depicting the Mediterranean region with marked countries and cities, located between pages 231-2 and 233.Black and white map of the Mediterranean region highlighting various countries and cities.Black and white map of the Mediterranean region, showing various countries and cities.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"She distinguished me.A woman standing in a room with a cat on a chair.Illustration of a woman standing in a room with a sitting cat on a chair, accompanying Chapter IV.Black and white illustration of a woman standing in a room with a cat sitting on a chair.A black and white illustration of a woman standing in a room with a cat sitting on a chair.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"
A man kneels in a forest beside a little girl, surrounded by trees.A man kneeling and a little girl standing next to him in a forest, digging up flowers together.Man kneeling and little girl standing in a forest, engaged in digging up flowers.A man kneels down in a forest with a little girl standing next to him, surrounded by trees while digging up flowers for her.
Project Gutenberg AltemblemA black and white drawing of a vase by Marguerite Bryant.Black and white drawing of a vase, associated with Marguerite Bryant's publication by Grosset & Dunlap Publishers.Black and white drawing of a vase by Marguerite Bryant.Black and white drawing of a vase with intricate details.
Project Gutenberg AltRE-ISSUE IN MONTHLY VOLUMES, PRICE ONE SHILLING EACH,Black and white image showing the word 'MESS'.Black and white text labeled 'MESS' above promotional details stating, "RE-ISSUE IN MONTHLY VOLUMES, PRICE ONE SHILLING EACH."Black and white depiction of the word 'MESS', located between text about re-issuing monthly volumes and a strongly bound cloth.Black and white image of the word 'MESS' with text 'RE-ISSUE IN MONTHLY VOLUMES, PRICE ONE SHILLING EACH,' bound in cloth.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"In a total EclipseA black circle on a white background in a total eclipse.Black circle representing a total eclipse on a white background.Total eclipse represented as a black circle on a white background.Black circle on white background during a total solar eclipse.
NonePRINCE PLAYS TAGA man holding a white plate.Black and white drawing of a man holding a white plateBlack and white drawing of a man holding a white plate.A black and white drawing of a man holding a white plate.
Project Gutenberg AltCHAPTER NINEA chapter book with the text "CHAPTER NINE" open to page featuring a segment from the story "REE EER a".Chapter nine title page from a book, showing partial text and indicating a narrative shift focusing on Harding Powell's realization and his wife's fear.Chapter Nine title page in the bookChapter book with title "REE" on the cover, with the title "CHAPTER NINE" visible on the spine. The book appears to be closed with no visible text on the pages.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"RE-ENACTING HISTORYA SKETCH AT TARRYTOWN.A man riding a horse with a group of people, including children, around him in an outdoor setting.A man portrayed as Major André rides a horse surrounded by a group, including children, representing a historical re-enactment scene in Tarrytown.Man re-enacting Major André's historic scene on horseback, surrounded by an engaged audience including children, in an outdoor park setting.A man on horseback surrounded by people, including children, in an outdoor setting.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"logoA black and white portrait of a man in a military uniform, possibly General William O. Butler.Black and white portrait of General William O. Butler in military uniform.Black and white portrait of General William O. Butler in military uniformPortrait of General William O. Butler in military uniform
Project Gutenberg AltPublisher's logoLogo featuring a square with the letter 'H' inside, displayed prominently.Black and white logo featuring a square with an 'H' inside, possibly related to Virginia Woolf's works.Logo of a square with an 'H' inside, possibly related to the text 'Virginia Woolf' and 'New York'.Black and white photo of a square logo with the letter 'H' inside, displayed prominently in the center.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"The Gate of David, Jerusalem.A group of people interact with camels in front of the ancient stone building, reminiscent of a historical era.A group of people and camels stand in front of the Gate of David in Jerusalem, suggesting a historical or cultural scene.Group of people interacting with camels in front of the large stone Gate of David in Jerusalem, suggesting a historical or cultural context.A painting or drawing of a group of people interacting with camels in front of a large stone building, which appears to be a temple or an old building in a historical or cultural setting.
Nonethe millerA black and white drawing of a woman in a graduation gown and hat, holding her hands together in a gesture of celebration.A black and white drawing of a woman in a graduation gown and hat, her hands together in a gesture that suggests prayer or celebration.Black and white sketch of a woman in graduation attire and hat, having her hands joined in either prayer or a celebratory gesture.A black and white drawing of a woman wearing a hat and graduation gown, holding her hands together in prayer or celebration.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"An Indian encampment. From a painting by Paul Kane.An Indian encampment with people around a campfire, teepee, and canoes, reminiscent of a painting by Paul Kane.An Indian encampment scene by Paul Kane, featuring people around a campfire, a teepee, and canoes.An Indian encampment scene from a painting by Paul Kane, featuring a group of people sitting around a campfire with a teepee in the background, and canoes nearby.An Indian encampment featuring people sitting around a campfire, teepee, and canoes.
Project Gutenberg Alt
Santa F's Partner, Being Some Memorials of Events in a New-Mexican Track-end Town, by Thomas A. Janvier
Book cover of 'New-Mexican Track-End Town' by Thomas A. Janvier featuring a man and a horse.Book cover of "Santa Fé’s Partner: Being Some Memorials of Events in a New-Mexican Track-end Town" by Thomas A. Janvier, featuring a red seal, a depiction of a man and a horse, published by Harper & Brothers in 1907.Book cover of 'New-Mexican Track-end Town' by Thomas A. Janvier, featuring a red seal and an illustration of a man with a horse. Published in New York and London by Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1907.Book cover with red seal featuring a man and horse, titled 'New-Mexican Track-End Town' by Thomas A. Janvier
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"AA decorative artistic interpretation of the letter A in a black and white photograph.Artistic black and white photograph of the letter AArtistic representation of the letter A in black and white.A decorative black and white photograph of a letter A.
Project Gutenberg AltOConnells CapA top hat with a crown on it placed on a box.A top hat with a crown sitting atop a box.Top hat adorned with a crown, resting on a box.The image depicts a top hat sitting on top of a box.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"Sir William AlexanderBlack and white drawing of a man with a beard identified as Sir William Alexander.Black and white portrait of Sir William Alexander, captioned in the context of French explorers and Scotch fur-kings' contributions to geographical knowledge.Black and white drawing of Sir William Alexander, a bearded man.Sir William Alexander, a man with a beard, drawn in black and white.
NoneFRONTISPIECEA black and white drawing of a man and a woman, possibly a princess, dancing together.Black and white drawing of a man and a woman, possibly a princess, dancing together.Black and white drawing of a dancing man and woman, possibly a princess, in Venice.Black and white drawing of a man and woman dancing together, possibly a princess.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"emblemTwo cowboys riding on horses holding guns in an illustrated book cover for “The Boy Allies with the Cossacks” by Clair W. Hayes.Book cover of "The Boy Allies With The Cossacks; Or, A Wild Dash Over The Carpathians" by Clair W. Hayes, featuring colorful illustration of two cowboys on horseback, holding guns.Colorful book cover art for 'The Boy Allies With The Cossacks' by Clair W. Hayes, featuring two cowboys riding horses and holding guns.Two cowboys on horseback with guns on a colorful book cover illustration of a historical novel or cowboy story.
NoneFig. 129. Fig. 130.A black and white photo of a man bending over, possibly inspecting something on the ground.A man bending over to roll wire rope along the ground without forming kinks as an alternative to using a turn-table.Man bending over to roll a wire rope along the ground to prevent kinksA black and white picture of a man bending over, possibly looking at something on the ground while uncoiling wire rope without kinks.
Project Gutenberg AltGENERAL PERSHING BOWING TO THE CROWD IN PARISA man in military uniform leaning against a building wall.Black and white photo of General Pershing in military uniform, standing in front of a building, possibly during his visit to Paris.Black and white photograph of General Pershing in military uniform, leaning against a building.A black and white photograph of a man in a military uniform standing in front of a building while leaning on a wall or ledge.
Project Gutenberg AltCANADIAN COPYRIGHT SERIES.A black and white photograph of a happy face from the Canadian Copyright Series book titled "The Wing of Azrael" by Mona Caird.Black and white photograph of a happy face, labeled "CANADIAN COPYRIGHT SERIES."Black and white photograph of a happy face, representing the Canadian Copyright Series.The image is a black and white photograph of a happy face.
NoneElizabeth Stuart PhelpsA thoughtful woman in a dress and lace collar sitting down in a black and white photograph.Black and white photograph of a thoughtful woman sitting, wearing a dress with a lace collar.Black and white photograph of a thoughtful woman sitting, dressed in a lace collar attire.A black and white photograph of a woman sitting down in deep thought while wearing a dress with a lace collar.
Project Gutenberg AltBook coverA close-up view of a hardcover book with a maroon cover adorned with gold lettering, placed on a table. The book focuses on the image.Close-up of a hardcover book titled "Contemporary Russian Novelists" by Serge Persky, with a maroon or burgundy cover and gold lettering.Close-up view of a hardcover book with a burgundy cover and gold lettering titled 'Contemporary Russian Novelists' by Serge Persky and F. Eisemann.Close-up view of a maroon hardcover book with gold lettering, placed on a table, featuring contemporary Russian novelists Serge Persky and F. Eisemann.
Project Gutenberg AltPClose-up of bold letter 'P'.Close-up of a bold letter 'P'.Close-up of a bold letter 'P'Close-up of a bold letter 'P' in the text 'Next day, he hired Amenth.'
Project Gutenberg AltOClose-up of a large black zero, II.Close-up of a large black zero.Close-up view of a large black number zeroThe image is a close-up of a large black zero, which is the number 0.
NoneESCAPE TO THE BRITANNIA.A person standing on the bow of a canoe or small sailing vessel, holding onto a pole, with a group of people on the boat.A group of people on a small boat, one standing at the bow holding a pole, hinting at an escape attempt to the Britannia.Group of individuals aboard a small boat or canoe, with one adventurous person standing on the bow holding a pole.A group of people on a small sailing vessel with one person holding onto a pole on the bow.
Project Gutenberg AltMA vintage black and white photo displaying the word "TIME" in bold letters.Black and white photo of the word 'TIME' in bold letters.Bold 'TIME' written in black and whiteBlack and white photo of the word 'TIME' written in bold letters.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"Pig with handkerchief on a stickA cartoon pig holding a stick with a bag on its back.Cartoon of a pig holding a stick with a bag on its back, seemingly setting off on an adventure.A cartoon portrayal of a pig set off on a journey with a stick and a bag on its backAn old pig with three little pigs in a cartoon drawing, holding a stick and carrying a bag.
NoneWE HEARD A TERRIBLE NOISE AMONG THE BUSHESA boy climbing a tree surrounded by animals.A boy climbing a tree with various animals around him, following a terrible noise among the bushes.Boy climbing a tree, surrounded by various animals, amid the ambiance of a terrible noise among the bushes.A black and white picture of a boy climbing a tree, surrounded by various animals, with the sound of something terrible happening in the bushes in the background.
NoneLittle Ida's FlowersA little girl sitting on a bed, holding flowers.A little girl sitting on a bed holding flowers, related to "Little Ida's Flowers."Little girl sitting on a bed holding flowers in a black and white drawing for 'LITTLE IDA'S FLOWERS'Little girl sitting on bed with flowers in hands.
Project Gutenberg AltWLarge white letter 'W' on black background.A large white letter 'W' on a black background, symbolizing a significant aspect of the upcoming act in the narrative.Large white letter 'W' on a black backgroundLarge white letter "W" on black background.
Project Gutenberg AltThe Mysteries of the PeopleA close-up image of a word, possibly in a foreign language, written in a cursive style: "Che Mysteries of the People".Close-up of a word "Che Mysteries of the People" written in script on a black and white photograph.Close-up of the cursive script inscription 'Che Mysteries of the People' in a black and white photographClose-up of a black and white photo of a foreign language word written in cursive script.
Project Gutenberg Altlist of names and addressesHandwritten list of names, possibly related to a historical investigation in Sturgeon Bay, Wis., 1914. Names include Fath Blnst, Keamomme Nis, Alamiey BT, Kevan nen, Ties Henry, M CnAbst, Mt Sapa, Lthawk Mies, and more, written in cursive style on aged paper.Handwritten list of names and addresses from 1914, in cursive, showing multiple revisions and alterations in Benjamin Corvet's cramped writing style, reflecting changes over time.Handwritten list of names, possibly people or places, in a vertical column on an old, yellowed sheet. The cursive script, which has been amended frequently, appears to be written in Benjamin Corvet's cramped style.Handwritten list of names in cursive script, possibly a list of people or places. The list contains the names: Fath Blnst Keamomme Nis, Alamiey BT , Kevan nen, D reches asthe, be Lh Sefer, Ties Henry’ M CnAbst: Mt Sapa, Wick. The list also includes the names: Lthawk Mies. es, Tn, shin Bipals Hd. ae, Wo Bane » Sabena, i eres ie chuech Aste, hag fe, Goan Teck. Paase A it a te DWhss Ge. The list does not contain the name Miah pennns no Trace.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"ARE YOU AFRAID OF YOURSELF?A man and a woman engaged in conversation at a table surrounded by onlookers.Black and white illustration of a man and woman sitting at a table conversing, surrounded by onlookers, corresponding to "ARE YOU AFRAID OF YOURSELF?" from page 233.Black and white illustration of a group scene where a man and woman in conversation are seated at a table, surrounded by onlookers.Black and white drawing of a group of people gathered around a table, with a man and woman sitting at the table, talking while others stand around watching the interaction.
Project Gutenberg Altdouble ruleA horizontal white line stretching across the image.Horizontal white line stretching acrossHorizontal white line stretching acrossWhite horizontal line stretching across image.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"Is that all you have to say to me?' asked Violet quietly.A man and a woman in formal attire, standing side by side - man in a suit and tie, woman in a long dress.Man in suit and woman in long dress standing next to each other, seemingly involved in a quiet conversation, suggestive of a scene from "A Traitor's Wooing."Man and woman in formal attire interacting, with the man in a suit and tie and the woman in a long dress.A man and woman in formal attire standing next to each other in a frontispiece of A Traitor's Wooing.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"G. Camp BudgetBudget breakdown for a scout troop, depicting the allocation of funds across various categories including equipment, transportation, food, wages, camp supplies, and more.A budget breakdown for a Scout troop camp, detailing funds allocated to categories such as food, equipment, transportation, and more, with a grand total budget of $10,000.Black and white budget breakdown for a scout troop detailing the distribution of funds. Categories include Food, Equipment, Transportation, and others with expenditure values provided. Total budget amounts to $10,000. Notes mention six people, annual payment, eight volunteers, and the exclusion of a director.Black and white image of a scout troop budget breakdown showing the distribution of funds for various categories including transportation, equipment, wages, labor, camping, motor upkeep, boats, printing, telephone, and other expenses.
Project Gutenberg AltFA large letter F in black and white.Large black and white letter FLarge, black and white letter F.Large black and white letter F in the image.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"Two Spacemen carrying a dinosaurA group of astronauts in space suits in awe of a dinosaur-like creature.A group of astronauts in awe of an interacting Godzilla-like dinosaur.A group of astronauts in space suits beholding a Godzilla-like dinosaur in awe.A painting or drawing of a group of astronauts in space suits interacting with a Godzilla-like dinosaur.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"DAn ornate decoration featuring a large 'D' surrounded by intricate patterns and decorations.Ornate bookplate with a large central 'D' surrounded by intricate patterns.Close-up of an ornate bookplate or decorative border featuring a large 'D' surrounded by intricate patterns.Close-up of an intricate bookplate or decorative border featuring a large 'D' in the center surrounded by patterns.
NoneI'VE GOT TO GET TO GLOUCESTER, SIR!Two men in a hallway having a conversation.Two men stand in a hallway conversing, related to the urgency of getting to Gloucester.Black and white drawing of two men engaged in a discussion in a hallway.Black and white drawing of two men standing in a hallway, having a conversation.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"{Girl with eggs next to nest.}A colorized vintage illustration of a girl with a chicken, eggs, and a basket, reminiscent of a children's book era.A vintage illustration of a little girl with a basket standing by a nesting chicken, surrounded by scattered eggs, evoking a sense of sorrow and contemplation.Vintage illustration of a sorrowful little girl named Biddy standing next to a chicken on its nest, holding a basket, likely holding eggs, with scattered eggs around them.A colorized vintage illustration of a little girl standing next to a chicken holding a basket containing eggs. The chicken is sitting on a nest, and there are several eggs scattered around the scene.
Project Gutenberg AltTHE CHIEF ENGINEER COVER.A rustic wooden book cover featuring the title 'The Chief Engineer' in white, suggesting a novel connected to the outdoors or engineering.Book cover of 'The Chief Engineer' featuring a rustic wooden background with the title in white, suggesting themes related to nature or engineering.Rustic wooden cover of the novel 'The Chief Engineer' with the title written in contrasting white.The image features a rustic wooden book cover with the title 'The Chief Engineer' written in white contrasting with the background. The book appears to be a novel with a connection to the outdoors or engineering.
Project Gutenberg AltbraceA man with a drawn mustache, related to Christianity and other faiths.Man with a drawn mustache, possibly illustrating a transition from Justin's Christianity to discussions on religious beliefs including Orthodox Judaism and various forms of Christianity and Paganism.Man's face with a mustache drawn on it relating to Justin's Christianity.A man with a mustache
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"WDecorative letter W surrounded by intricate patterns and floral elements.Decorative letter W surrounded by intricate patterns and floral elementsArtistic representation of the letter W decorated with intricate patterns and floral elements.This image depicts a decorative letter W with intricate patterns and floral elements.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"LogoA black and white drawing of a leafy plant with berries, possibly a flower or a bush.A black and white drawing of a leafy plant with berries, potentially depicting a flower or bush, from the 1869 publication by Sever, Francis, & Co.Black and white drawing of a leafy plant bearing berries.Black and white drawing of a leafy plant with berries, possibly a flower or a bush.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"Forest Regions of the United States.Distribution of different types of forests across the United States depicted on a map.Map showing the distribution of different forest types across the United States, sourced from the U.S. Forest Service.Map displaying the different forest regions across the United States.Map of the United States showing distribution of different types of forests.
NoneBroken-Reed Line (upper). Gnarled-Knot Line (lower). Plate XLVI.A person wearing a robe sits holding a fishing pole, accompanied by another figure, likely a child. The scene is depicted in a black and white drawing or painting.An illustration of a seated man in a robe, fishing with a pole beside a child, in a black and white drawing from Plate XLVI.Man in a robe seated while holding a fishing pole, with a likely child next to him, depicted in a black and white drawing.A man in a robe is sitting down with a fishing pole while another person, possibly a child, sits next to him in a black and white drawing or painting.
Noneimages/illus-emb.pngA detailed black and white drawing of a rose within a circle.Detailed black and white drawing of a rose encircled, illustrating intricate patterns and shapes.Detailed black and white drawing of a rose encircled, suggesting a connection to 'Annabel Sharp' and M. A. Donohue & CompanyBlack and white drawing of a highly detailed rose surrounded by a circle.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"He held out his hand when Madame presented him.A Victorian man and woman in formal attire shaking hands in a parlor setting.Black and white drawing of a Victorian man and woman shaking hands in a parlor, signifying a greeting or farewell.Victorian gentleman greeting a lady in a long dress by holding out his hand in a parlor-setting.Black and white drawing of a man in a suit and tie shaking hands with a woman in a long dress in a Victorian setting, possibly a parlor.
NoneBAKERA chef holding a box and a woman sitting in a kitchen.Black and white drawing of a man, possibly a chef, holding a box and a woman sitting at a table in a kitchen.Black and white drawing of a man, possibly a chef, holding a box and a woman seated at a kitchen table.Black and white drawing of a man holding a box and a woman sitting at a table in a kitchen.
NonePrinters deviceAn open Bible resting on a candle, depicted in a black and white drawing.Black and white illustration of an open Bible resting on a candle, associated with Elizabeth Robins' work, published by Dodd, Mead and Company in 1913.Black and white drawing of an open Bible resting on a candleBlack and white drawing of an open Bible on top of a thin candle
NoneProfessor Waite raised the portire for her to pass.A man and a woman in formal attire, with the man in a tuxedo and the woman in a long dress, standing together as if posing for a picture.A man in a tuxedo and a woman in a long dress standing next to each other, likely symbolizing Miss Noakes and Polo in formal attire.Black and white illustration of a man in a tuxedo and a woman in a long dress, standing together in formal attire, possibly representing characters Polo and Miss Noakes.A black and white drawing of a man in a tuxedo and a woman in a long dress standing next to each other, possibly posing for a picture.
PrivateGPT “mistral-7b-instruct-v0.1.Q4_K_M.gguf”MARGARET CROSSED THE ROOM AND TOUCHED THE MANS SHOULDER.A man in distress is comforted by a woman at a table.Margaret comforting a distressed man seated at a table, as depicted in a painting.Distressed man sitting at a table being comforted by a woman standing behind him, mirroring the action of Margaret touching the man's shoulder.A painting of a man sitting at a table with a woman standing behind him, the man appears to be in distress while the woman comforts him.
PrivateGPT “mistral-7b-instruct-v0.1.Q4_K_M.gguf”THEN THE POPE TOOK THE LITTLE POOR BROTHERS UNDER HIS PROTECTION.A religious gathering featuring the Pope and other religious figures gathered around a large book.A religious gathering with the Pope seated on a throne, surrounded by religious figures around a large book, symbolizing the Pope taking the little poor brothers under his protection.Pope, seated on a throne, engaging in a religious dialogue with other figures around a large book, symbolizing his protection over the little poor brothers.A religious scene featuring a Pope sitting on a throne surrounded by other religious figures, gathered around a large book during a ceremony or gathering.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"(cover)Book cover for 'Dunbarron, New Hampshire' by Miss Ella Mills.Cover of "Sketch of Dunbarton, New Hampshire" by Miss Ella Mills.Cover of the eBook 'Sketch of Dunbarton, New Hampshire' by Miss Ella Mills.Book cover featuring the title 'Dunbarron, New Hampshire' by Miss Ella Mills.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"Front coverMap of Arlington County, Virginia detailing boundaries.Map showing the detailed boundaries of Arlington County, Virginia, from the ebook on its history.Map detailing the boundaries of Arlington County, Virginia from the Ebook, A History of the Boundaries of Arlington County, Virginia.Map of Arlington County, Virginia with detailed view of its boundaries.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Boy Running from ManTwo men in a field, with one wielding a gun and chasing the other.Black and white illustration of a poaching scene, depicting one man chasing another with a gun through a field, related to a narrative on hare poaching.A black and white illustration depicting a scene of hare poaching, with one man chasing another in a field, armed with a gun, seemingly in the act of poaching.Black and white drawing of two men in a field, one holding a gun and chasing the other.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Carn Kenidzhek.A man standing in a desert-like environment surrounded by rocky terrain and a mountainous landscape.A man standing in a desert surrounded by rocky terrain and mountains at Carn Kenidzhek.Man standing in a desert-like, rocky terrain with mountains in Carn Kenidzhek.A black and white drawing of a man standing in a desert-like environment surrounded by rocky terrain and a mountainous landscape.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Portrait of Pope Leo XIII.Alt-text: Older man in robe and sash, likely priest or religious figure, in black and white photo, possibly connected to Pope Leo XIII's death.Black and white portrait of Pope Leo XIII in robes and sash, commemorating his death.Older man in robe and sash, likely a priest or religious figure, possibly Pope Leo XIIIAn older man wearing a robe and sash, possibly a religious figure on the occasion of the death of Pope Leo XIII.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"They stoned a Nazarene named StephenGroup of people gathered around a dead body, referencing the stoning of Nazarene Stephen.A group of people gathered around Stephen, a Nazarene, after he was stoned.A group of people stoning a Nazarene named Stephen.A group of people gathered around the body of a Nazarene named Stephen, who was stoned to death.
Project Gutenberg AltADDIE STOOD BREATHLESS, AND PERCIVAL'S HEART GAVE A QUICK THROB.Page 676.A man and woman in old-fashioned clothing walking through a forest.Addie and Percival, dressed in old-fashioned attire, walk through a wooded area.Man and woman in old-fashioned attire walking through a wooded area.An image of two people in old-fashioned clothing walking through a forest.
Project Gutenberg AltPortrait of AuthorA black and white portrait of a man in a suit, tie, and bow tie, possibly a politician or historical figure.Black and white portrait of a man in a suit and bow tie, likely a politician or historical figure.Black and white portrait of a potential politician or historic figure wearing a formal suit with a tie and bow tie.Portrait of a man in a suit and tie with a bow tie, possibly a politician or historical figure, in black and white.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Fig. 2. Palm Savanna on the Plains of Chivela, Oaxaca. March, 1956.A black and white photo depicting a large field with grass, scattered trees, and a mountain range in the background under a clear sky.Black and white photograph of Palm Savanna on the Plains of Chivela, Oaxaca, from March 1956, featuring a vast field with grass, scattered trees, and a mountain range in the background under a visible sky.Black and white scenic view of the Palm Savanna on the Plains of Chivela, Oaxaca in March 1956, showing a large field covered in grass, dispersed trees, and a mountain range in the background.Black and white photo of a large field with a mountain range in the background, covered in grass and trees, with the sky visible in the background.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"portrait (64K)A man in a suit and tie posing next to a car in a black and white photograph.Black and white photograph of a man in a suit and tie standing next to a car, posing.Man in suit and tie posing next to a car in a black and white photograph.A black and white photograph of a man standing next to a car, wearing a suit and tie, posing for the picture.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"A handA black and white drawing of a hand pointing at something.Black and white drawing of a hand pointing to indicate stanza references.Black and white drawing of a hand pointing to reference specific stanzasBlack and white drawing of a hand pointing at something in the figures section of the stanzas.
Project Gutenberg AltPIG-HEADED ATTACK ON THE IMMORTAL BARD.A man with a beard standing next to a statue of a bull or donkey.Illustration of a man with a beard standing next to a laying bull or donkey statue, related to a critique titled "PIG-HEADED ATTACK ON THE IMMORTAL BARD."Black and white illustration depicting a bearded man standing next to a bull or donkey statue, with the animal reclining before him.A black and white drawing of a man with a beard standing next to a statue of a bull or donkey, with the bull or donkey lying down in front of him.
Project Gutenberg AltLook for the Union labelBlack and white photo of a logo or emblem, possibly representing a company or organization.Black and white logo or emblem, likely representing a company or organization.Black and white logo or emblem possibly representing a company or organization.Black and white photo of a logo or emblem representing a company or organization.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"CoverThe White Canoe by Alan Sullivan, green book cover with title and author name displayedCover of "The White Canoe and other Verse" by Alan SullivanGreen book cover of 'The White Canoe And other Verse' by Alan Sullivan.Green book cover with title 'The White Canoe And Other Verse' by ALAN SULLIVAN
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"IBlack and white photograph of a decorative letter 'I' with a fancy frame surrounding it.Black and white photograph showcasing a decorative letter 'I' encased in a fancy frame.Decorative black and white letter 'I' with a fancy frameA black and white photograph of a decorative letter 'I' with a fancy frame surrounding it.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"LogoA round black and white emblem featuring the letters 'R' and 'B' in the center, surrounded by a decorative frame with an antique or vintage appearance.Round, black and white emblem with 'R' and 'B' centered and surrounded by a decorative, vintage frameVintage black and white emblem displaying letters 'R' and 'B' in a decorative frame.Round black and white emblem with 'R' and 'B' in center, surrounded by decorative frame, vintage appearance.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"The Letters of her Mother to ElizabethA vintage red book titled 'From the Land of the Sierras to Elizabeth'.Red book cover titled 'From the Land of the Sierras to Elizabeth,' suggesting a vintage travelogue or memoir.Vintage red book titled 'From the Land of the Sierras to Elizabeth'Red book with title 'From the Land of the Sierras to Elizabeth' on the cover, possibly an old travelogue or memoir
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"LunchThree women and a little girl enjoying a picnic together in a field by a picnic table, with trees in the background.Three women and a little girl enjoying a picnic by a cool, shady spring, surrounded by trees.Three women and a child enjoying a picnic in a field by a cool, shady spring with trees setting the backdrop.Three women and a little girl enjoying a picnic in a field with trees in the background.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"Book CoverA woman with a crown on her head, wearing a blue dress and a necklace.A woman with a crown, wearing a blue dress and a necklace in a Carlo Dolci masterpiece.A crowned woman in a blue dress and necklace depicted in 'Masterpieces in Colour' by Carlo DolciA woman wearing a blue dress with a necklace and a crown on her head.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"CoverClose-up of a book cover on black background with gold text: 'The Sabbath at Home' by Rev. Silas M. Andrews - possibly a religious or spiritual text on observing Sabbath at home.Book cover of 'The Sabbath at Home' by Rev. Silas M. Andrews, featuring a black background with gold text, published by the Presbyterian Board of Publication in Philadelphia, 1840.Close-up of the book cover 'The Sabbath at Home' by Rev. Silas M. Andrews, featuring a black background with gold text, suggesting a religious or spiritual content.Close-up of book cover featuring black background with gold text titled 'The Sabbath at Home' by Rev. Silas M. Andrews.
Project Gutenberg AltPrinter's LogoDecorative black and white letter 'K' within a circular frame.Decorative letter 'K' with circular frame from Evelyn Sharp's publication, John Lane: The Bodley Head, 1897.Decorative black and white letter 'K' in a circular frameDecorative black and white letter 'K' with a design around it, surrounded by a circular frame.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"TRIAL OF LOUIS XVI.A judge or leader stands at a podium, giving a speech to a group of people.Black and white drawing of Louis XVI standing at a podium, addressing a crowd, depicted as a judge or leader during his trial.Black and white drawing of Louis XVI standing at a podium, addressing a crowd, symbolizing his trial.Black and white drawing of Louis XVI giving a speech at his trial.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"TDecorative black and white drawing of letter T surrounded by leaves and flowers.Decorative letter T intertwined with leaves and flowers, illustrating a segment titled "THE CIRCUS"Ornate black and white depiction of the letter T, intricately designed with surrounding leaves and flowers.The image is a black and white drawing of a decorative letter T, surrounded by leaves and flowers, giving it an ornate and intricate appearance.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"drawingThree black poles standing next to each other.Three vertical black poles or sticks standing closely together, labeled as Fig. 237—Leg.Three black poles or sticks standing erect, portraying legs as noted in Fig. 237.Three black poles standing next to each other.
Project Gutenberg AltPrinter's LogoA black and white drawing of a woman wearing a crown and holding a book in front of her face, with the text "AMANDA M. DOUGLAS" before and "NEW YORK" after the image.Black and white drawing of a woman with a crown, holding a book in front of her face.Black and white illustration of Amanda M. Douglas, wearing a crown, with a book obscuring her face.Black and white drawing of Amanda M. Douglas wearing a crown and holding a book in front of her face.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"THE FIRST ARRESTSA black and white drawing of a man in a uniform, possibly a police officer, standing next to another man, accompanied by a sign that reads 'The First Arrest'.Black and white drawing depicting the scene of 'The First Arrest' with a policeman standing next to another man, as part of Chapter XI context on law enforcement and its implications.Black and white drawing depicting a uniformed man, possibly a police officer, making the first arrest with a sign stating 'The First Arrest.'Black and white drawing of two men standing next to each other, one in a uniform possibly a police officer, with a sign that reads "The First Arrest."
Project Gutenberg AltCARTA GEOGRAFICAA detailed map of a tropical island, likely in the Caribbean, showing the island and its surrounding waters.Detailed map of a tropical island, suggesting a Caribbean setting, with intricate representations of the land and surrounding waters.Detailed map of a tropical Caribbean island and its surrounding waters.A detailed map of a tropical island in the Caribbean, surrounded by waters.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"bookcoverBook cover in blue with title 'Uber Allah' in German by E. F. Benson, likely discussing the concept of Allah in Islam.Book cover of "Deutschland Ãœber Allah" by E.F. Benson, featuring a blue background and the title in bold letters, published by Hodder and Stoughton in London, New York, Toronto, priced at Two Pence.Book cover of 'Deutschland Uber Allah' by E.F. Benson, published by Hodder and Stoughton, in blue tone, featuring the title in German.Blue book cover featuring the title 'Uber Allah' written in German, likely discussing religious or spiritual concepts related to Allah in Islam.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"TDecorative design featuring letter T.Decorative letter T design within a historical Christian contextDecorative letter T designDecorative T-shaped letter
NoneleafA black and white heart-shaped ornament captured in close-up view.Close-up of a black and white heart-shaped ornament, possibly related to Alfred W. Pollard's work published by Methuen and Co., 1902.Close-up of a black and white heart-shaped ornament or decorationBlack and white heart-shaped ornament
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"CoverA black and white drawing of a large cathedral in front of which a group of people is gathered, with some standing near the entrance and others further back.Black and white drawing of a cathedral in Umbria with people gathered at the entrance, from "Pictures in Umbria" by Katharine S. Macquoid.Black and white drawing of a large cathedral with a group of people gathered near the entrance, indicating an impressive architectural design, related to the 'Pictures in Umbria' by Katharine S. MacquoidBlack and white drawing of a large cathedral with a group of people standing in front of it. The people are gathered near the entrance of the church, with some standing closer to the doorway and others further back. The cathedral features a large archway and a staircase, adding to its impressive architectural design.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Coole LakeA rocky landscape with rock formation, water, trees, and mountains in a valley.Painting by Robert Gregory of Coole Lake, depicting a rocky landscape with a prominent rock formation, a body of water, and a field of trees set in a valley framed by mountains.Painting by Robert Gregory of Coole Lake featuring a large rock formation, a body of water and a field with trees set in a valley, backed by mountains.Rocky landscape with a large rock formation, body of water, and field with trees in a valley setting, surrounded by mountains.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"130mA black bird perched on a brick wall, observing a nest filled with eggs.Black bird observing a nest with variably colored eggs on a brick wall, reflecting detailed descriptions of egg size, color, and pattern variations.A black bird observed perched on a wall, looking at a nest filled with variously colored eggs.A black bird perched on a ledge or brick wall, observing its nest filled with eggs.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"0018mA woman reading to three children with a dog nearby in a room setting.Black and white illustration of Dame Gill reading a book to three pleased children and a dog, in a room with a chair and bench.A black and white illustration of Dame Gill holding a book and reading to three pleased children in a room with a chair, a bench, and a sitting dog, referencing a visit to Aldis to buy books published by J. Aldis on March 17.A black and white illustration of a woman reading to three children with a dog nearby in a room with a chair and bench.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"197mA group of people socializing around a table, with one person holding playing cards during a gathering or card game.A group of people engaged in a card game around a table, one holding a hand of cards, illustrating a verse about bush life experiences in New South Wales.A social gathering of people playing a card game, with one person holding a hand of cards, seemingly reciting a passage titled 'The Old Hand' about life experiences in New South Wales and knowledge gained over forty years.A group of people sitting around a table, with one holding a deck of cards. They appear to be engaged in a card game or social gathering.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"THE PRINCESS OF WALESA woman wearing a crown and necklace, possibly depicting THE PRINCESS OF WALES at a birthday supper in 1891.The Princess of Wales wearing a crown and necklace, photographed by W. & D. Downey in 1891.The Princess of Wales wearing a crown and a necklace, to whom Henry Irving gave a birthday supper in the Beefsteak Room of the Lyceum in 1891.A woman wearing a crown and necklace, likely the Princess of Wales, surrounded by text about her birthday dinner hosted by Henry Irving in 1891.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"0116mDecorative black and white design featuring swirls and spirals.Black and white photograph of a decorative design with swirls and spirals pattern.Black and white decorative design featuring a pattern of swirls and spirals.Black and white photograph of a decorative design featuring a pattern of swirls and spirals.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"bookcoverBook cover featuring 'The Inquisition of Spain' by Henry Charles Lea, a historical work in four volumes. Blue cover with prominent title display.Cover of "A History of the Inquisition of Spain, Volume III" by Henry Charles Lea, featuring a blue background with the title and author's name in the center.Cover of the historical book 'A History of the Inquisition of Spain' by Henry Charles Lea, displayed prominently in blue, volume III of four volumes series.The image features a book cover with the title 'The Inquisition of Spain in Four Volumes.' by Henry Charles Lea. The book is a historical work on the subject of the Spanish Inquisition. The cover is blue in color and the title is displayed prominently in the center.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"A VERY VULGAR BOY.A woman holding a dog on a leash with two men nearby in a black and white drawing.A woman holding a leashed dog converses with a very vulgar boy inquiring about the dog's tail, accompanied by another man.Black and white drawing illustrating a scene of a woman holding a dog on a leash, with two men standing nearby in a conversation about the dog's tail.Black and white drawing of a woman holding a dog on a leash while two men stand nearby.
Project Gutenberg AltBeadle's HALF DIME LibraryAn open book titled 'Reading Time Library' depicted in a black and white drawing.Illustration of an open book titled 'Reading Time Library' from the ebook 'Jack Harkaway in New York; Or, The Adventures of the Travelers' Club'.Black and white drawing of an open book titled 'Reading Time Library'Black and white drawing of a book titled 'Reading Time Library' with the title prominently displayed on the cover. The book is open.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"Cover ArtBook cover featuring 'Possible, Credible, and Historical' by Rev. Charles A. Row, M.A., Prebendary of St. Paul's, London, 1875.Book cover of 'The Supernatural in the New Testament: Possible, Credible, and Historical' by Rev. Charles A. Row, M.A., Prebendary of St. Paul's, published by Frederic Norgate in London, 1875.Cover of 'The Supernatural in the New Testament: Possible, Credible, and Historical' by Rev. Charles A. Row, M.A., Prebendary of St. Paul's, published in London by Frederic Norgate in 1875.Book cover featuring 'Possible, Credible, and Historical.' by Rev. Charles A. Row, M.A., Prebendary of St. Paul's, discussing the supernatural in the New Testament.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Taken in Douglas County. Photo by the Author. BEAUTIES THEY ARE.A black and white photograph of a nest with eggs.Black and white photograph of a nest with eggs, taken by the author in Douglas County.Black and white photograph of a bird's nest holding eggs, taken in Douglas County.Alt-text: A black and white photograph of a nest with eggs in it, taken in Douglas County by the author.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"NIGHT HERONA blue heron perched on a tree branch amidst tall grass.A blue heron sitting on a tree branch in the middle of tall grass, titled "Night Heron".A Night Heron perched on a tree branch, surrounded by tall grass.A blue heron sitting on a tree branch surrounded by tall grass in the center of the scene.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"photographA hillside with grass, trees, and a distant mountain in a black and white vintage style.A black and white vintage image of a hillside with grass, trees, and a mountain in the background, evoking a serene, timeless landscape.Black and white vintage picture portraying a serene landscape featuring a grassy hillside, trees, and a distant mountain, reflecting the mentioned text about untroubled hills standing strong and still in broad sunshine.A black and white image of a hillside with a field of grass and trees, and a mountain in the background, captured in the broad sunshine.
Project Gutenberg Altx^1A large black and white X symbol in the context of "The Apocalypse here begins".A large black and white letter XLarge X in black and white, labeled as 'xl', in context of the Apocalypse.Black and white image of a large X
Nonefig07A musical staff with notes arranged linearly.Musical staff with scattered, indiscernible text possibly indicating notes or instructions.Graphical representation of a musical staff with an arrangement of notes in a linear fashion followed by indiscernible characters.Musical staff with notes arranged in a linear fashion
Project Gutenberg AltAunt Crete and Carrie watch Luella read telegramThree women sitting in a living room.Black and white illustration of three women sitting in a living room, conveying an atmosphere of concern and dismay.Three women seated in a living room captured in a black and white illustration, reflecting the scene where Luella's dismayed face is being watched with growing alarm.Three women sitting in a living room.
NoneChapter XI drop-cap IBlack and white drawing of a flower on a vase with the letter 'I' above.Black and white drawing featuring a flower atop a vase with the letter 'I' positioned above it, possibly symbolizing the beginning of Lady Marsden's fancy ball.Black and white drawing of a flower in a vase with the letter 'I' hovering above it.Black and white drawing of a flower on a vase with the letter 'I' above it.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"titleA man sitting in a royal setting, surrounded by objects like a desk, book, vase, and clock, implying he is possibly a king or a scholar.Drawing of a man, possibly a king or scholar, seated in a chair with crossed legs, surrounded by a desk, book, vase, and clock in a royal workspace setting.Black and white drawing of a man, possibly a king or scholar, seated comfortably on a chair or throne in a setting that merges royal and workspace elements, surrounded by items such as a desk, book, vase, and clockBlack and white drawing of a man sitting in a chair, possibly a throne, with his legs crossed. He is surrounded by various objects, including a desk, a book, a vase, and a clock. The scene appears to be a mix of a royal setting and a workspace, with the man possibly being a king or a scholar.
Project Gutenberg AltLYKION PARAMOUSAIOUA black and white photo of a cursive letter 'P' surrounded by Greek text inscribed on a small lead vase.Black and white cursive letter 'P' with unclear text 'AYKIONA APAMOY$ AloY' possibly related to Greek antiquities.Cursive letter 'P' in black and white accompanying Greek inscription, likely from an antiquated lead vase.Black and white photo of a cursive letter 'P'.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"Ross-Gould AdAdvertisement for a black and white mailing list service by Heae-Could on Juve Street in St. Leala, Ross-Gould Lists St. Louis.Black and white advertisement for Ross-Gould mailing list service, located at 0] Juve Street, St. Louis.Black and white advertisement for Ross-Gould mailing list service located at 0] Juve Street, St. Leala in St. Louis.Black and white advertisement for a mailing list service on a street in St. Louis.
Project Gutenberg AltThe Spirit of Fun gives the Baby back to JudyTwo clowns performing on stage in a theater setting.Black and white illustration of two clowns performing on a stage, indicating the beginning of Act II.Black and white drawing of two clowns performing on a theater stageBlack and white drawing of two clowns on stage in a theater setting during ACT II.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"statueBlack and white photograph of a statue of a man standing on a pedestal in an outdoor setting.Statue of a man, likely a historical figure, on a pedestal in an outdoor park setting from Ryerson Memorial Volume.Black and white photograph of a statue of possibly historical figure Ryerson, standing on a pedestal in an outdoor setting.A black and white photograph of a historical figure standing on a pedestal in an outdoor setting, possibly in a park.
Project Gutenberg AlthandA black and white image of a cat.Black and white photograph of a cat.Black and white cat in indelible ink styleBlack and white cat on a background.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"custom coverBook cover titled 'Policy of Lending Books and Manuscripts' by Henry W. Chandler - brown and orange cover with bold orange text.Book cover for 'Policy of Lending Books and Manuscripts' by Henry W. Chandler, featuring bold orange letters on a brown and orange background, indicating its theme on lending and borrowing books and manuscripts.Book cover of 'Policy of Lending Books and Manuscripts' by Henry W. Chandler, showcased in bold orange letters on a brown and orange background. It also includes the text 'Further Remarks on the Puree Sewing, by BH. Blackwell, 60 and 51 Broad Street'.Book cover featuring 'Policy of Lending Books and Manuscripts' by Henry W. Chandler. The book cover is brown and orange in color, and the title is printed in bold orange letters. The book appears to be a reference or guide related to lending and borrowing books and manuscripts.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Reproduced by special permissionMan in sombrero and cape holding a cane, standing with arms crossed.Coquelin as Cyrano de Bergerac, depicted in a watercolor by Percy Anderson, standing with crossed arms and holding a cane, dressed in a sombrero and cape.Painting of Coquelin as Cyrano de Bergerac, depicted with crossed arms, holding a cane, and wearing a sombrero and cape, by Percy Anderson.A man wearing a sombrero and cape stands with arms crossed and holding a cane in a painting by Percy Anderson.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"Decorative borderA decorative piece featuring stars, flowers, and question marks on cloth or paper.A patterned fabric or paper featuring stars, flowers, and question marks.Patterned fabric or paper featuring stars, flowers, and question marks.A piece of cloth or paper with a pattern of stars, flowers, and question marks.
PrivateGPT “mistral-7b-instruct-v0.1.Q4_K_M.gguf”Cover imageTwo coins displayed on a green book cover within a decorative border.Close-up of a green book cover featuring two coins within a circle, surrounded by a decorative border.Close-up view of a green book cover featuring a decorative border around two prominently featured coins within a circle.Two coins placed within a circle on a green book cover surrounded by a decorative border.
Project Gutenberg AltThe Lost HareA rabbit laying down in the grass.Rabbit laying down in grassA rabbit laying down in the grass.Rabbit laying down in the grass.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"[cover image not available]Book cover of 'The Tenth Man: A Tragic Comedy in Three Acts' by W. S. Maugham on a brown background with white text.Book cover of "The Tenth Man: A Tragic Comedy in Three Acts" by W. S. Maugham, featuring a brown background with the title in white text.Book cover of 'The Tenth Man: A Tragic Comedy in Three Acts' by W.S. Maugham, featuring a brown background and white text.The image features a book cover with a brown background and white text that reads 'The Genesis of a Tragic Comedy in Three Acts' by W. S. Maugham.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"[cover image not available]A close-up of the cover of a red book in "The Land of Promise: A Comedy in Four Acts" eBook.Close-up of the red cover of "The Land of Promise: A Comedy in Four Acts" eBook.Close-up of the red cover of the ebook 'The Land of Promise: A Comedy In Four Acts'Red book cover close-up
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"U. S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR SealSeal of the U.S. Department of the Interior, featuring a buffalo and mountains within a circular design, with the year 1849 visible at the bottom.Seal of the U.S. Department of the Interior featuring a buffalo, mountains, and year 1849 in a circular design.Seal of the U.S. Department of the Interior featuring a buffalo with mountains in the background, dated 1849.Buffalo emblem on U.S. Department of the Interior seal with mountains in the background and year 1849.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Cover: Walter Crane's Painting Book Engraved and Printed in Colours by Edmund EvansA colorful, illustrated book cover featuring a woman in a white dress laying on grass with a man standing nearby, decorated with artistic and vintage elements like a bird, bench, and chair.Illustrated cover of Walter Crane's Painting Book, featuring a woman in a white dress reclining on the grass with a man standing nearby, embellished with a bird, bench, and chair elements, showcasing a vintage artistic style.Illustrated cover of Walter Crane's Painting Book featuring a woman in a white dress lounging on the grass, a nearby man, and decorative elements like a bird, a bench, and a chair enhancing the vintage style.Walter Crane's Painting Book cover featuring a woman in a white dress sitting on grass with a man standing nearby, decorated with elements such as a bird, bench, and chair.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"The Girl's Own Paper.A black and white drawing of a vase filled with flowers, surrounded by a bowl and a sign reading 'The Girl's Own Paper'.Black and white drawing of a vase filled with flowers next to a bowl, with a sign reading 'The Girl's Own Paper'.Black and white drawing of a floral-filled vase, adjacent to a bowl and a sign reading 'The Girl's Own Paper.'Black and white drawing of a vase filled with flowers, surrounded by a bowl and a sign that reads 'The Girl's Own Paper'.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art. Fourth Series. Conducted by William and Robert Chambers.Book cover titled 'Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art' in black and white with decorative design.Book cover of "Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art," featuring decorative black and white design, titled by William and Robert Chambers, dated Saturday, November 17, 1877.Black and white cover of 'Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art', conducted by William and Robert Chambers with a decorative design.Black and white book cover featuring a decorative design with the title 'Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art.' The book cover is part of the eighth series conducted by William and Robert Chambers.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"GEOLOGICAL MAP OF BRITTANYMap of Brittany, a region in France, showing towns, cities, and geography.Black and white geological map of Brittany, France, showing geography, town and city names, and the English Channel.Black and white geological map of Brittany, a region in France, showcasing the English Channel and various town and city names.Black and white map of Brittany region in France showing geography and names of towns and cities.
NoneA black and white photograph of the letter 'J'.Black and white photograph of a letter 'J.'Black and white photograph of the letter 'J'The image is a black and white photograph of the letter 'J.'
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Travellers and InnBlack and white scene of a town with large house, barn, people, horses, and horse-drawn carriage.Historic black and white scene of a town with a prominent house and barn, individuals and horses scattered around, and a horse-drawn carriage suggesting early transport modes.Vintage black and white scene of a town, showing a large house with a chimney, a barn, several people and horses scattered about, and a horse-drawn carriage.Black and white picture of a town with a large house, chimney, barn, people, horses, and a horse-drawn carriage.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"(decorative)A black and white drawing of a rose.Black and white illustration of a rose amidst Yosemite's majestic natural scenery.Black and white drawing of a rose.The image is a black and white drawing of a flower, which appears to be a rose.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"The GOOD BOY getting off the JUVENILE BIBLE by Heart.A black and white drawing of a woman and a child sitting together in a room, possibly a mother and her son.Black and white illustration of a woman and a child, possibly mother and son, sitting together, reminiscent of the theme of teaching and guidance from the Juvenile Bible.Mother teaching her son from the Bible in a drawn scene.Black and white drawing of a woman and child sitting together in a room.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"Look hereand here, he cried, pointing to the broken swordA British soldier in a suit conversing with a man in a white robe in a bedroom setting.A man in a suit, likely a British soldier, conversing with another man in a white robe inside a bedroom, with one of them pointing to a broken sword.A man in a suit, possibly a British soldier, emotionally pointing at a broken sword while conversing with another man in a white robe in a bedroom setting.A man in a suit talks to another man in a white robe in a bedroom setting.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"[Advertisement: THE FAVORITE Photo Supply House AT LOUISVILLE, KY. W. D. Gatchel, Agt. WE CARRY IN STOCK A VERY LARGE SUPPLY OF The Choicest Apparatus, Best Dry Plates, Pure Photo. Chemicals, Best Albumen Paper, Collins Card Stock, Picture Frames, and Mats. ALL OF WHICH ARE SOLD AT A REASONABLE PROFIT. Our trade is constantly growing, without noise or advertising. Our customers tell of their satisfaction to their friends, and that is how it is done. We have goods for all, and invite your orders.]A sign advertising a photo supply house in Louisville, Kentucky offering a variety of photography equipment and materials.Advertisement for The Favorite Photo Supply House in Louisville, KY, offering a large stock of photographic supplies, including apparatus, dry plates, chemicals, albumen paper, card stock, frames, and mats, with a note on their growing trade through customer satisfaction.Advertisement for 'The Favorite Photo Supply House' in Louisville, KY, offering a large selection of photo equipment and supplies including the 'Choicest Apparatus', 'Best Dry Plates', 'Pure Photo Chemicals', 'Best Albumen Paper', 'Collins’ Card Stock', 'Picture Frames', and 'Mats', all sold at reasonable profits.Photo supply house advertisement in Louisville, Kentucky. Sign promotes a large selection of high-quality equipment, chemicals, paper, frames, and mats at reasonable prices.
None8036A visually engaging and artistic presentation of a page from a book featuring a poem or story with a character named Ransom Stoddard, written in cursive style and including a drawing of a man with a beard.Illustrated page from a book combining cursive text with an artistic depiction of an elder man, possibly Jed Feary, conversing and reflecting on past adventures and aspirations with Ransom Stoddard and Uncle Eb.A page from a book featuring a poem or story, detailing a conversation between characters, with cursive style text and an illustration of a bearded man, possibly the character named Ransom Stoddard or Jed Feary.A page from a book featuring a poem or story with a character named Ransom Stoddard, written in cursive style with an illustration of a man with a beard. The scene is a mix of text and illustration, creating a visually engaging presentation.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"MastheadA black and white drawing of a person sitting on an open book filled with history, literature, and science, with the person depicted as a statue, adding an artistic touch. Surrounding texts mention foreign literature, science, and art.A black and white drawing of a person sitting atop an open book filled with subjects like history, literature, and science, embodying an artistic statue aesthetic, titled "Eclectic Magazine."Black and white illustration of an open book filled with various subjects like history, literature, and science, adorned by a statue-like person sitting atop, representing 'Eclectic Magazine'.Black and white drawing of an open book with a statue of a person on top, filled with various subjects such as history, literature, and science.
Project Gutenberg AltNOTHING!Black and white letter 'H' with the text "WHAT EVERY GIRL SHOULD KNOW" before and "BY ORDER OF THE" after.Letter 'H' above the code 'ZORLK-ZO-://' near the text "WHAT EVERY GIRL SHOULD KNOW" and "BY ORDER OF THE"Black and white letter 'H', possibly a section or chapter marker in a book titled 'WHAT EVERY GIRL SHOULD KNOW' appearing before the text 'BY ORDER OF THE'Black and white letter 'H' in the text 'WHAT EVERY GIRL SHOULD KNOW'.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"ornamentA black and white drawing of an intricately designed decorative frame with a crown and a tree as central elements.Black and white drawing of an intricate decorative frame with a central crown and tree, linked to Æneid xii, 1753 London edition.Decorative black and white drawing of a frame featuring a central crown and tree.Black and white drawing of an intricately designed decorative frame featuring a crown and a tree.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"DIAMONDA man and woman in fancy clothes, one wearing a hat, standing on a deck or boat.A black and white illustration of a group, likely a man and a woman in elegant attire on a deck or boat, with the woman throwing an object shimmering like diamonds over the parapet as the man looks on, holding a small wooden box.Black and white artwork depicting a man and woman, in elegant attire on a boat deck, with the woman casting away an object over the parapet.Black and white drawing of a group of people on a deck or boat, dressed in fancy clothes, with one person wearing a hat. A woman flung something that shone like fifty points of electric light over the parapet.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Great Cliff, Whiteside Mountain.Mountain with cliff, forest, and rocky terrain at Great Cliff, Whiteside Mountain.Whiteside Mountain featuring a prominent cliff, surrounded by a dense forest and rocky terrain.Mountain scenery featuring the Great Cliff of Whiteside Mountain, a dense forest, and rocky terrain.Great Cliff, Whiteside Mountain with a rocky terrain and forest in the background.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Book coverA classic work on ethics book cover titled 'Principia Ethica' by G. E. Moore in red design.Cover of "Principia Ethica" by G. E. Moore, featuring the title in red letters with "REPRINTED" and "CAMBRIDGE" below.Cover of 'Principia Ethica' by G.E. Moore, a classic work on ethics with a visually appealing design featuring the title in red.Book cover featuring 'Principia Ethica' written in red on a visually appealing background, with the title prominently displayed for easy identification.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"CoverTwo men walking in a war-like environment, one carrying a gun, beneath a flying biplane.Two men walking under a flying biplane in a war-like setting, one carrying a gun.Black and white illustration of two men walking in a war-like environment, one carrying a gun, beneath a flying biplane.Two men walking together under a biplane in a war-like environment with one man carrying a gun.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"Original coverA green hardcover book titled 'Shakespeare, the Boy' with a gold and white emblem on the front cover.Hardcover edition of "Shakespeare, the Boy" with a green cover featuring a gold and white emblem.Hardcover edition of 'Shakespeare, the Boy' with a green cover featuring a gold and white emblemGreen hardcover book with gold and white emblem on the front cover titled 'Shakespeare, the Boy'
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"Map; click for larger versionMap of Piz Bernina Circuit, showcasing a mountainous area with various landmarks and terrain features.Map of Piz Bernina circuit showing mountainous terrain with various landmarks and features, reproduced with permission of the Swiss Topographic Service.Topographic map of the Piz Bernina Circuit, featuring various mountainous terrain features and landmarks.A map of the Piz Bernina Circuit mountain range with various landmarks and terrain features.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Image unavailble: The Crypt from the Fields.Large, empty cathedral with vaulted ceiling, featuring arches and columns, black and white drawing, grand and majestic appearance.Black and white drawing of a spacious, empty cathedral with vaulted ceiling, arches, and columns, titled "The Crypt from the Fields" by W.M. Keesey, 1914.Black and white drawing of an expansive, empty cathedral with vaulted ceiling, adorned with arches and columns, enhancing its grandeur.Black and white drawing of a large, empty cathedral with a vaulted ceiling. The cathedral has a spacious interior, featuring arches and columns that contribute to its grand and majestic appearance.
Project Gutenberg AltDecorationA black letter 'O' on a white background amid text referencing vital subjects.Black letter 'O' on a white background.Black letter 'O' on a white backgroundBlack letter 'O' on white background
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"Fig. 92.A piece of paper with '26 inches' written on it.Piece of paper with '26 inches' written on it.Piece of paper noting '26 inches'26 inches written on paper
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"markA black and white leaf photographed by T. Jenkins Hains.Black and white leaf illustration possibly related to T. Jenkins Hains' literary works.Black and white depiction of a leafBlack and white leaf
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"coverA green book titled 'The Armed Sailing Ship America: The Privateers of 1812-1814' featuring a sailing ship on the cover, likely a central theme of the book's content.Cover of "The Armed Ship America; or, When We Sailed from Salem" featuring a large sailing ship, authored by James Otis.Cover of 'The Armed Ship America: The Privateers of 1812-1814' by James Otis, featuring a large sailing ship on a green backgroundGreen book with a sailing ship on the cover titled 'The Armed Sailip America: The Privateers of 1812-1814,' part of a series, featuring a large sailing ship central to the book's content.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"Drop Cap ABlack and white image of a large capital letter 'A'.Large capital letter 'A' symbolizing the chapter start of "Beaver Lights" in a historical setting discussing the destruction and exile of the Mormon community on Beaver Island.Large capital letter 'A'Large capital letter "A" in black and white.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"[Image unavailable: From photo portrait by Alvin Langdon Coburn. EZRA POUND.]A black and white picture of a man with a beard and mustache identified as Ezra Pound.Black and white photograph of Ezra Pound with a beard and mustache.Ezra Pound, depicted in a black and white portrait with a beard and mustache.EZRA POUND, black and white portrait of a man with a beard and mustache.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"Drop Cap TA black and white photo of a large T-shaped object, resembling a cross or the letter T.Black and white photograph of a large T-shaped object, possibly representing a cross or letter T, related to historical references of horses and chariots.Black and white photograph of a monumental T-shaped object potentially representing an early Egyptian chariot or large letter T.Alt-text: A black and white photo of a large T-shaped object, possibly a cross or a large letter T.
Project Gutenberg AltIllustration: epitaphA black and white drawing of a person's head with the words 'Torrmr Lod' written above them in a foreign language.Black and white drawing of a person with the inscription 'Torrmr Lod' suggesting a historical or fictional context.Black and white sketch of a person's face with inscription 'Torrmr Lod' above it and the text 'SBIVS INFANS PER AETATEM SE WEPECA, DENS AD SANG TORYM LOCYM 'N PA, ESV & Ps 2'.Black and white drawing of a person, possibly a man, with the words 'Torrmr Lod' written in a foreign language above them. Close-up of the person's head.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"Old Mines of Southern CaliforniaA detailed black and white drawing of a desert scene with a cactus, signpost showing various directions, and a map of Southern California, featuring text mentioning "OLD MINES OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA" including locations like Calico, Salton Sea, and Colorado River districts.A black and white drawing depicting a desert scene with a cactus, a signpost marked "OLD MINES OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA" pointing to destinations, and a map highlighting desert and mountain areas including the Calico-Salton Sea.Black and white illustration of a desert scene with cactus and a signpost with three arrows. Includes a map of Southern California showing desert and mountain areas, and refers to the old mines of Southern California, including the Calico-Salton Sea.Black and white drawing of a desert scene featuring a cactus and signpost with three arrows pointing to different destinations, map of Southern California with desert and mountain areas depicted.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Book title pageBook cover of "History of Spanish Literature" Volume III by George Ticknor.Book cover of "History of Spanish Literature Volume III" by George Ticknor, published by Harper and Brothers, New York.Cover of the book 'History of Spanish Literature' by George Ticknor, Volume III, published by Harper and Brothers, located at 2 Cliff Street, New York.Book cover featuring Spanish literature by George Ticknor, volume II of three.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"Illustration: "GOOD OLD JANE," SHE SAID, "I DO ENJOY TALKING TO YOU."Two women, one on a couch and the other on a chair, engaged in conversation - one looking down and the other looking up.Two women in conversation; one seated on a couch looking down, and the other on a chair looking up, in a black and white drawing.Two women in conversation, one seated on a couch looking down, the other on a chair looking up, in a black and white drawing.Two women sitting next to each other, one looking down while the other looks up in a black and white drawing or painting.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"F. G., he said grimly, "Francis Garrod"Two men near a teepee, one riding a horse, suggesting a Native American setting, while one man grimly says, "F. G., Francis Garrod."A man rides a horse near another man standing by a teepee, suggesting a Native American setting.Man conversing with a horse rider in front of a teepee, suggesting a Native American setting.A man on horseback in front of a teepee with another man nearby.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"THE LINCOLN CATHEDRAL WEST FRONTLarge, old, ornate building resembling a cathedral with a tall clock tower and stone exterior, featuring a large archway - The Lincoln Cathedral West Front.Lincoln Cathedral's west front, featuring a tall clock tower and a large stone archway.Large, old, and ornate Lincoln Cathedral West Front with a tall clock tower, a stone exterior, and a large archway.Large, old, ornate building with a tall clock tower, possibly a church or cathedral, featuring a large archway.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"The Girl's Own Paper.A decorative sign reading 'The Girls of Paper' adorned with a vine and flowers.Sign reading 'The Girls of Paper' adorned with a vine and flowers, from 'The Girl’s Own Paper', March 18, 1899.Sign with the text 'The Girls of Paper', artistically adorned with vines and flowers.The Girls of Paper sign with vine and flowers decoration
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"R_BARRA bearded man in a suit and tie.Black and white photograph of a bearded and mustached man in a suit and tie.Black and white photograph of a bearded man in a suit and tieBlack and white photograph of David Widger wearing a suit and tie.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"ashshash with dot below hA white bold-letter 'sh' resembling the text "ḥashshash" with contextual reference to drug procurement and coffee-shops.White lettering spelling "hashshash" in a bold font.Bold white 'sh' lettering, symbolizing the term ḥashshashWhite letter 'sh' written in bold font.
Project Gutenberg AltLITTLE PEOPLE EVERYWHERE UM SAN IN JAPAN BY ETTA BLAISDELL McDONALD AND JULIA DALRYMPLE Authors of "Manuel in Mexico," "Raphael in Italy," "Kathleen in Ireland," etc. [Illustration] Illustrated BOSTON LITTLE, BROWN, AND COMPANY 1909Book cover featuring a map of Japan surrounded by title and author information for "Ume San in Japan" by Etta Blaisdell McDonald and Julia Dalrymple, 1909.Book cover of "Umé San in Japan" by Etta Blaisdell McDonald and Julia Dalrymple, featuring a map of Japan, published in 1909 by Little, Brown, and Company.Book cover of 'Ume San in Japan' by Etta Blaisdell McDonald and Julia Dalrymple, featuring a map of Japan and published by Little, Brown, and Company in 1909.Book cover featuring a map of Japan with title and author information surrounding it
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Decorative glyphA black and white stylized flower pattern with a center and petals, creating an artistic design.Decorative stylized black and white flower pattern.Close-up of a stylized, black and white floral designA close-up of a decorative design featuring a stylized black and white pattern of a flower with a center and petals.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Pine seedlings.A black and white photograph of a snow-covered forest with trees and shadows.Black and white photograph showing a snow-covered forest with detailed tree shadows.Black and white photograph of a snow-covered forest with tree shadows.Black and white photograph of a snow-covered forest with trees and shadows.
Project Gutenberg AltVolcano Pele on Io.Alt text: Red sky with clouds possibly taken during sunset.Comparison of images showing changes on Io's surface, notably the transformation of Pele volcano's ejecta ring from a hoofprint shape into a symmetric oval between early March and early July.Red sky with clouds at sunset over the region of the volcano Pele on Io displaying changes in the surface and the transformation of hoofprint into a symmetric oval.Red sky with clouds during sunset
Project Gutenberg AltThe old woman fastened her long hands greedily on the viands.A man in a suit holding a book and a woman kneeling with a cell phone in front of a tree.A man in a suit holding a book stands next to a kneeling woman with a cell phone, both in front of a tree.Man in suit holding a book and woman kneeling with a cell phone, standing before a tree in a black and white drawing.A black and white drawing of a man in a suit holding a book and a woman kneeling down with a cell phone in front of a tree.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTIONA compass adorned with a rope, bird, and the words 'Daughters of the American Revolution'.Compass adorned with a rope and a bird, inscribed with 'Daughters of the American Revolution'.Compass decorated with a rope and a bird, inscribed with the words 'Daughters of the American Revolution.'Compass with rope and bird, decorated with 'Daughters of the American Revolution' text, found in an Ebook.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"Jumiges AbbeyinteriorInterior of Jumièges Abbey featuring a grand, ornate building with vaulted ceilings, arched doorways, and a majestic castle-like ambiance.Interior of Jumièges Abbey showcasing its grand, castle-like architecture with a vaulted ceiling, arched doorways, and a majestic central archway.Interior of Jumièges Abbey showcasing a grand and majestic atmosphere with a vaulted ceiling, ornate architecture resembling a castle, featuring arched doorways and a central archway.JUMIÈGES ABBEY—INTERIOR: A large, old, and ornate building with a vaulted ceiling, featuring a long hallway with arched doorways and a large archway in the center. The architecture is reminiscent of a castle, and the overall atmosphere is grand and majestic.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"OUR POST-OFFICE BOXA black and white drawing of a post office building.Black and white drawing of a post office building, located on page 734, seemingly related to a story about two cousins and magical school experiences.Black and white drawing of a post office building.Black and white drawing of a post office building.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"FOOTEPortrait of an older man in a suit and tie with a beard and mustache.Old portrait of an older man with a beard and mustache wearing a suit and tie.Vintage portrait of an older man with a beard and mustache wearing a suit and tie.Alt-text: Portrait of an older man with a beard and mustache wearing a suit and tie.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"coverA book cover featuring 'The Shetland Pony' with an image of a pony, authored by Anne Douglas and J. Cossar Ewart, 1913.Cover of "The Shetland Pony" by Anne Douglas, featuring an illustration of a pony, with an appendix on its making by J. Cossar Ewart, published by William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh and London, 1913.Cover of the book 'The Shetland Pony' by Anne Douglas, which includes an appendix 'The Making of the Shetland Pony' by J. Cossar Ewart. The cover features an illustration of a pony, and the book was published by William Blackwood and Sons in Edinburgh and London, 1913.The image features the cover of a book titled 'The Shetland Pony' by Anne Douglas with an appendix on the making of the Shetland Pony by J. Cossar Ewart. The book includes illustrations by William Blackwood and Sons and was published in 1913.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"Etching of the ale-house kept by Elynour RummyngeA black and white drawing of a small cottage with a chimney on top of a hill, surrounded by a fence, with a tree nearby.Black and white etching of Lorenzo de Medici's historic ale-house, depicted as a quaint cottage with a chimney atop a hill, enclosed by a fence with a nearby tree, before late repairs.Black and white drawing of an historical ale-house, depicted as a small cottage with a chimney on top of a hill, surrounded by a fence and a nearby tree.Black and white drawing of a small cottage with a chimney on top of a hill, surrounded by a fence and with a tree nearby.
Project Gutenberg AltTHE UNIQUE PAPERTwo men in suits shaking hands in front of a coat of arms.Two men in suits shaking hands in front of a coat of arms, illustrating a formal agreement or partnership, in an artwork from “The Tatler” by Fish and Fowl, 1916.Black and white illustration of two men in suits shaking hands before a coat of arms, signifying a formal agreement or partnership.Two men in suits shaking hands in front of a coat of arms.
NoneSettling an Old ScoreTwo men playing a game of baseball in front of a buildingTwo men playing baseball in a historical setting, possibly related to the narrative of Frank James's activities in the late 19th century.Black and white depiction of two men engaging in a baseball game in front of a building.Two men playing baseball in front of a building in black and white drawing or painting.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"PISO'S CURE FOR CONSUMPTIONA vintage black and white advertisement for a cure-all featuring a syrup bottle, with text "â„¢ Consumption" and surrounding text "102 Fulton St., N.Y." and "Arnold."Vintage advertisement for a cure-all syrup, marked "â„¢ CONSUMPTION" at 102 Fulton St., N.Y., in black and white with a nostalgic feel.Vintage black and white advertisement for a cure-all syrup labeled 'CONSUMPTION', giving a nostalgic feel, referenced from 102 Fulton St., N. Y.Vintage advertisement for a cure-all featuring a bottle of syrup.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Four Minute Essays, Volume XA vulture or eagle perched atop a book, featured in Four Minute Essays Volume X by Dr. Frank Crane.Cover of "Four Minute Essays, Volume X" by Dr. Frank Crane, featuring a book with a bird possibly a vulture or an eagle perched on top.Cover of 'Four Minute Essays, Volume X' by Dr. Frank Crane, featuring a bird, possibly a vulture or an eagle, perched on top.Book cover featuring a bird, possibly a vulture or an eagle, perched on top of the book
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"MapMap of mountainous area in the United States with locations labeled: Scott's Castle, Death Valley Buttes, Pipe Wells.Map showing key locations in a mountainous region including Scotty's Castle, Death Valley Buttes, Stove Pipe Wells Village, and Salt Creek, with directional cues to Lone Pine and Furnace Creek.Black and white map of a mountainous area likely in the United States, highlighting key landmarks such as Scott's Castle, Death Valley Buttes, and Pipe Wells.Map of a mountainous area in the United States with various locations and landmarks labeled, including Scott's Castle, Death Valley Buttes, Pipe Wells, Stove Pipe Wells, and Salt Creek.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Plate 2A black and white photograph of a butterfly.Black and white photograph of a butterfly, related to Plate 2 on setting with bristle and braces.Black and white photograph of a butterfly, corresponding to Plate 2.Black and white photograph of a butterfly on Plate 2 of the Method of Setting with Bristle and Braces.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Public domain coverBook cover featuring the title 'Sir Richard Ford, and the Other Police Magistrates, Upon the Prevalency of Gaming, and the Infamous Practices of Common Informers' on a yellow and black background with an old-fashioned appearance.Book cover of "A Letter to Sir Richard Ford, and Police Magistrates, on the Prevalency of Gaming, and the Infamous Practices of Common Informers," transcribed from the 1803 Vaughan Griffiths edition, featuring yellow and black colors for an old-fashioned look.Old-fashioned yellow and black book cover of 'Sir Richard Ford, and the Other Police Magistrates, Upon the Prevalency of Gaming, and the Infamous Practices of Common Informers'.Book cover featuring title 'Sir Richard Ford, and the Other Police Magistrates, Upon the Prevalency of Gaming, and the Infamous Practices of Common Informers.' The book cover is yellow and black, giving it an old-fashioned appearance.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Public domain cover for articleYellowed magazine page with title 'The Society of Cymmrodorion' and subtitle 'George Borrow's Second Tour in Wales' from a possible 19th-century publication.Magazine page titled 'The Society of Cymmrodorion', featuring an article 'George Borrow's Second Tour in Wales' from the 1910 Y Cymmrodor edition.Yellowed magazine page titled 'The Society of Cymmrodorion' from the 1910 edition, Volume XSI, featuring an article 'George Borrow's Second Tour in Wales' with a note about 'New Stone.'Yellowed page from an old magazine featuring the title 'The Society of Cymmrodorion' in large, bold letters and subtitle 'George Borrow's Second Tour in Wales,' written in smaller text.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Book coverA blue book cover featuring the title 'Chester Cathedral: With Biographical Notices of the Bishops and Deans' and an image of the cathedral.Blue book cover for "A History of Chester Cathedral: With Biographical Notices of the Bishops and Deans," featuring an illustration of the cathedral, published by George Prichard, Bridge Street Row, Chester.Blue cover of the book 'Chester Cathedral: With Biographical Notices of the Bishops and Deans' featuring an image of the cathedral and publisher information that reads 'George Prichard, Bridge Street Row.'Blue book cover featuring the title 'Chester Cathedral: With Biographical Notices of the Bishops and Deans.' The cover also displays a picture of the cathedral.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"coverA vintage book cover displaying 'Harriet Lummis Smith' title in white text on a blue background, exuding history and charm.Book cover of 'Harriet Lummis Smith' with a blue background, white text, and a vintage appearance.Vintage book cover of 'Harriet Lummis Smith' with a blue background and white text.Book cover with vintage appearance featuring 'Harriet Lummis Smith' in white text on a blue background.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"title page emblemAn old coin or medal featuring the American Committee for the Protection of the Foreign Born, displaying a Star of David symbol, set against a white background.Antique coin or medal from the American Committee for the Protection of the Foreign Born featuring a Star of David, circa 1916.Antique coin of the American Committee for the Protection of the Foreign Born with a Star of David, signifying its connection to Judaism.An antique coin or medal featuring the American Committee for the Protection of the Foreign Born with a star of David symbol, displayed on a white background, highlighting its intricate details and historical significance.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Decorative linesDecorative black and white pattern featuring diamonds, crosses, and geometric shapes arranged intricately.Decorative black and white geometric pattern featuring diamonds and crosses, dedicated to the truly Honorable Lady Vane, the Younger.Close-up of a black and white decorative design featuring diamonds, crosses, and other geometric shapes, related to Lady Vane, the Younger.Decorative design featuring a combination of black and white geometric shapes arranged in a visually appealing manner.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Chamberss Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art. Fourth Series. Conducted by William and Robert Chambers.Book cover of 'Chamber's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art,' published on April 27, 1878.Cover of "Chamber's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art," South Series conducted by William and Robert Chambers, dated Saturday, April 27, 1878.Black and white cover of 'Chamber's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art', conducted by William and Robert Chambers.Black and white photograph of the cover of 'Chamber's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art.' The title reads 'PMABERSS. JOURN, © POPULAR LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND ART. 'i Souxth Serie? 8 Ce CONDUCTED BY WILLIAM AND ROBERT CHAMBERS.' The text on the cover reads 'No. 748. Price 1½d. SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1878.'
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"AA decorative letter A surrounded by intricate carvings displayed on a black background.Decorative letter A with intricate carvings on a black backgroundClose-up of a decorative letter A surrounded by intricate carvings on a black background.A decorative letter A with intricate carvings on a black background.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"Lucerne ProductsA vintage advertisement showcasing a variety of Lucerne dairy milk and cream products available at Safeway stores.Vintage Lucerne dairy products advertisement featuring a variety of milk and cream, available at Safeway with a guarantee of saving money and offering quality in different styles and flavors. Perfect for calorie counters.Vintage Lucerne Dairy advertisement featuring a variety of milk and cream products, with text promoting their quality and affordability available at Safeway stores. The backdrops imply they're perfect for calorie counters.Vintage advertisement for Lucerne dairy products featuring milk and cream products at Safeway store.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"SectionsA geological map featuring cross-sections of England, Scotland, and Ireland, showing detailed illustrations of the Old Red Sandstone of England and various geological formations and layers beneath the surface.Geological map of England, Scotland, and Ireland highlighting layers beneath the surface, including detailed Old Red Sandstone of England.Geological map of England, Scotland, and Ireland showcasing various sections with illustrated layers beneath the surface, including a detailed depiction of the Old Red Sandstone of England.Geological map of England, Scotland, and Ireland showing cross-section of the earth with detailed illustration of Old Red Sandstone of England in Section 1, Wa Red Sandstone of England in Section 2 section 9, and Layer Pant deat Conary in Section 4.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"frontA green book titled 'The Last of the Wickoff' on a surface.Cover of "The Workers: The East" by Walter A. Wyckoff, featuring a green cover with gold lettering.Green book cover with gold lettering titled 'The Workers The East' by Walter A. Wyckoff, placed on a surface.The image features a book with a green cover and gold lettering titled 'The Last of the Wickoff.' The book is placed on a surface, possibly a table or shelf.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Forgers and ForgeriesA black and white photograph of a statue of a man.Black and white photograph of a statue of a man, associated with the eBook "Forgers and Forgeries" by W.Black and white photograph of a statue presumably for 'Forgers and Forgeries' by W., possibly a forgery of a Greek bronze statuette mentioned in the following text.A black and white photograph of a statue of a man.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Gene Stratton Porter, Best-SellerA man wearing a white shirt and tie in a portrait drawing.Illustration of Gene Stratton-Porter in a white shirt and tie, from the eBook cover of "Gene Stratton-Porter, Best-Seller".Portrait of Gene Stratton Porter, a best-seller author, wearing a white shirt and a tie.Portrait of a man in a white shirt and tie
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"CoverA black and white photograph of an open book titled 'Banquet of the Learned of Athens' by Athenæus translated by C.D. Yonge, revealing text from the beginning of the book along with historical significance.Opened copy of "The Deipnosophists or Banquet of the Learned of Athenaeus" volume 2, translated by C.D. Yonge, published in 1854, showing the title page and the beginning of the text.Black and white photograph of the open book 'Banquet of the Learned of Athenæus' Volume II, translated by C.D. Yonge with publisher details: Henry G. Bohn, Covent Garden, London, dated 1854.Black and white photograph of 'Banquet of the Learned of Athens' book cover with title and author's name
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"[Image unavailable.]A baseball player holding a bat in a black and white comic strip style, with two people walking behind him.A baseball player holding a bat with two others walking behind him in a black and white comic strip illustration.Black and white comic strip depicting a baseball player holding a bat, trailed by two other individuals.A baseball player holding a baseball bat with two people walking behind him in a black and white drawing, possibly a comic strip.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"An old title page showing the antiquity of the Road Problem.A black and white photograph of a historical document from 1675 discussing the highways of England, highlighting a new way of maintenance for better roads with ease.Black and white photograph of a historical document, titled "THE ROAD," from 1675, discussing the improvement of England's highways with an emphasis on a new, efficient method promising less wear and no obstructions, even in winter.Black and white photograph of a historical document from 1675 discussing the condition and improvement methods for the highways of England.The image is a black and white photograph of an old book page with text discussing the highways of England. The page appears to be discussing the old way of mending highways and the new way that is more efficient and easier to maintain. The text mentions the badness of the old way and the impossibility of ever having them well-mended according to the old way of mending. The text also mentions the importance of having no dirt, deep cart ruts, high ridges, holes, or uneven places on the horse-tracts. The text mentions that the new way is a firm and certain way of no great cost that can be done and maintained substantially with ease. The text also mentions that the old way was deceit and a cheat. The text mentions that the image was printed for a public good in the year 1675.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"General store shelvesMannequins wearing dresses in a clothing display shop with shelves and table.A room resembling the interior of an old General Store, displaying mannequins in dresses, alongside shelves and a table indicative of a historical retail or display setting.Interior of an old General Store displaying mannequins in dresses, assorted items on shelves, and a table, evoking a sense of nostalgia.A room filled with mannequins wearing dresses, shelves, and a table in a clothing shop or display area.
PrivateGPT “mistral-7b-instruct-v0.1.Q4_K_M.gguf”Her Christmas at the HermitageBook cover for 'Her Christmas at the Hermitage: A Tale about Rachel and Andrew Jackson' by Helen Topping Miller, depicting a vintage and old-fashioned design featuring a woman and a man.Book cover of 'Her Christmas at the Hermitage: A Tale about Rachel and Andrew Jackson' by Helen Topping Miller, featuring a vintage illustration of a woman and a man, published by Longmans, Green and Company in 1955.Vintage book cover of 'Her Christmas at the Hermitage: A Tale about Rachel and Andrew Jackson' by Helen Topping Miller, 1955 edition. It features an old-fashioned depiction of a woman and a man, implying a historical Christmas fiction set about Rachel and Andrew Jackson.Book cover featuring a woman and a man, titled "Her Christmas at the Hermitage: A Tale about Rachel and Andrew Jackson." The cover has a vintage and old-fashioned appearance, giving it a sense of history and charm. The book appears to be a historical fiction novel, possibly set during the Christmas season, and tells the story of Rachel and Andrew Jackson.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"
Devils Tower National Monument: A History
Devils Tower, a prominent rock formation in the United States.Devils Tower, a significant rock formation in the United States, depicted at the start of its historical overview in Devils Tower National Monument: A History eBook.Prominent rock formation, Devils Tower in the United States.Devils Tower National Monument, a prominent rock formation in the United States.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"TClose-up of a decorative letter T surrounded by intricate patterns and decorations in an ornate design.Decorative letter T with intricate patterns and decorations, associated with DORA DE BLAQUIÈRE.Close-up of a decorative, ornate letter T surrounded by intricate patterns and designs.The image is a close-up of an intricate decorative letter T from an ornate design.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"The Antelope Boy; or, Smoholler, the Medicine-ManA man in a red robe kneeling next to a boy in a matching red robe.Illustration of a man and a boy, both in red robes, with the man kneeling and facing the boy, from "The Antelope Boy; or, Smoholler the Medicine Man" by George L. Aiken.Drawing of a man and a boy both dressed in red robes, depicting a scene from 'The Antelope Boy; or, Smoholler, the Medicine Man' where the man kneels in front of the standing boy.A man in a red robe kneels down in front of a boy in a red robe.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"decorationAn open book with pages spread out, resembling a black and white drawing.Black and white drawing of an open book revealing text, symbolizing gratitude and the blessings of cooperative efforts in faith, as celebrated in the accompanying script.Black and white drawing of an open book revealing its textBlack and white drawing of an open book with pages spread out, revealing text.
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"Original Title Page.A book cover featuring a woman's face with a rose in her hair, for the book 'Hawaiian Legends of Volcanoes (Mythology)' by W. D. Westervelt.Book cover of "Hawaiian Legends of Volcanoes (Mythology)" by W. D. Westervelt, featuring a woman's face with a rose in her hair, published in 1910 by Ellis Press, Boston, Mass., and Constable & Co., London, G.B.Book cover of 'Hawaiian Legends of Volcanoes (Mythology)' by W.D. Westervelt, featuring a woman's face with a rose in her hair. Published by Ellis Press, Boston, U.S.A and Constable & Co., London, G.B. in 1916.Book cover featuring a woman with a rose in her hair
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Chamberss Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art. Fifth Series. Established by William and Robert Chambers, 1832. Conducted by R. Chambers (Secundus).The fifth series of 'Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art,' established by William and Robert Chambers in 1832.Black and white cover of "Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series," indicating it was established by William and Robert Chambers in 1832, dated Saturday, March 1, 1884.Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art' fifth series book cover in black and white, established by William and Robert Chambers, 1832.Black and white photograph of the cover of Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, fifth series.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"original coverA green book with a gold design, titled 'Historical Record of the Cape Mounted Riflemen,' an old leather-bound book placed on a surface.Old leather-bound book titled 'Historical Record of the Cape Mounted Riflemen' with a green cover and gold design, placed on a surface.Old book titled 'Historical Record of the Cape Mounted Riflemen' with a green, leather cover and distinctive gold design, resting on a surface.Historical Record of the Cape Mounted Riflemen - An old book with a green cover and gold design on it, placed on a table, with the title visible on the spine.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"CoverCover of red book titled 'M.W.W.' by Louise Jordan Miln.Close-up of the book cover 'MR. WU' by Louise Jordan Miln, featuring a red backdrop with the title prominently displayed.Close-up of the red cover of a book titled 'M.W.W.' by Louise Jordan MilnRed book cover with prominent title 'M.W.W.' written by Louise Jordan Miln
OpenAI "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"[The image of the book's cover is unavailable.]A hardcover book with a blue background and a white cross in the center.Cover of the eBook "Marlborough, and Other Poems" featuring a blue background with a central white cross.Close-up of the 'Marlborough, and Other Poems' hardcover book showing a prominent white cross central on a blue background.Blue book cover with white cross in center, likely front or back cover of book
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"CoverA woman holding a gun points it at a defensive man in a picture from "The Girl Avenger; or, The Beautiful Terror of the Maumee" Ebook.A woman holding a gun pointed at a defensive man, depicting a scene from "The Girl Avenger; or, The Beautiful Terror of the Maumee."A tense scene from 'The Girl Avenger' depicting a woman assertively pointing a gun toward a defensive man.Man and woman with gun in tense confrontation
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"Decorative graphicA vintage decorative piece featuring a large letter 'P' and a cross in black and white.Antique or vintage decorative piece with a large letter 'P' and a cross in black and white.Antique decorative piece featuring a large letter 'P' and a cross in black and whiteDecorative piece featuring a large letter 'P' and a cross in black and white, possibly religious artifact.
Project Gutenberg AltOrnament.A black and white drawing of a butterfly.Black and white drawing of a butterfly, reflecting Ukrainian art and embroidery design influences.Black and white illustration of a butterfly, reflecting the distinctive style of Ukrainian embroidery art.Black and white drawing of a butterfly.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0613"THE ROUND OF BEEFA group of men gathered around a table enjoying a meal together, set with plates, silverware, and a bottle.A group of men gathered around a table set with plates, silverware, and a bottle, enjoying a meal together, possibly before or during the "Round of Beef" event.Group of men gathered around a dinner table set with plates, silverware, and a bottle, engaging in a meal together.A group of men enjoying a meal together at a table with plates, silverware, and a bottle.
Project Gutenberg AltThree boys pulling something out of a valiseThree children standing on a street in a black and white drawing.A black and white drawing of three children standing on a street, evoking a sense of curiosity or anticipation.Three children standing on a street depicted in a black and white drawing.Alt-text: "Three children standing on a street in a black and white drawing."
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"MARY MAGDALENE AT THE HOUSE OF SIMON THE PHARISEE.A man and a woman in medieval clothing stand before a castle with a deer nearby.A medieval-themed depiction of Mary Magdalene at the house of Simon the Pharisee, featuring a group dressed in period attire standing in front of a castle-like building with a deer nearby.Group of people in medieval attire at a gathering, including a man and a woman, in front of a castle-like building with a deer nearby, depicting Mary Magdalene at the house of Simon the Pharisee.A group of people, including a man and a woman, dressed in medieval clothing, standing in front of a building, possibly a castle, with a deer nearby at a medieval-themed gathering or event.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"ColophonNaked man playing a flute outdoors near a tree.Drawing of a nude man playing a flute while seated on a pedestal, with a tree in the background, by Wallace Goldsmith, 1915.Artwork by Wallace Goldsmith depicting a nude man on a pedestal playing a flute with a tree in the background.A naked man playing a flute on a pedestal with a tree in the background.
OpenAI "gpt-4-0125-preview"coverVintage book cover titled 'The Farm and the Woodlot' by J. E. Barton, with a sepia-toned illustration of a farm and woodlot.Vintage cover of "The Farm and the Woodlot" by J. E. Barton, featuring a pastoral farm scene and authored by the State Forester of Kentucky.Vintage sepia-toned cover of the book 'The Farm and the Woodlot' by J. E. Barton, State Forester of Kentucky, featuring an illustrated farm and woodlot scene.Vintage book cover featuring a farm and woodlot, titled 'The Farm and the Woodlot' by J. E. Barton, with a sepia tone and old-fashioned appearance.